Be nice to each other kiddies.

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Another day of walking the same route I've been walking for 8 years. To the same place of 'learning and fun' that most people despise. I'd say I despise it more than others. I suppose being ignored everyday tends to do that to people. I know people don't mean to, at least most of them, but can I blame them?I do usually wear dull boring colours. Maybe it helps me blend in so much they don't really notice me, or perhaps they do just hate me. It's not difficult to hate someone who sees through your lies, they are transparent and pale as ghosts in comparison to the beauty of eternal, infinite space. I always watch the night sky, it sometimes seems like the only reason to live.

I cross another street, my crimson hair falling in front of my face, The colour of blood, such an interesting colour, yet dangerous when its pouring out of you. I've always enjoyed dying my hair, it's a nice change from my natural colour which is a sad dark brown. Pathetic.

My thoughts jump around quite a lot, some might see it as a curse but that's just how my brain works. I'm already back to thinking about school, that is where I'm going so it makes sense but I don't think when I'm turning on my way. I see my classmates out of the corner of my eye, they're laughing and walking together. Wearing smartly fitting blazers and neat trousers and skirts.

I don't care about clothes, as long as they're comfortable I'll wear them. Teachers often complain about jeans and hoodies but they can't take legal action. It's not as if wearing dull clothes that camouflage me so much only teachers see me could be classed as a distraction.

I hate not being noticed. I take a swing at the hard ground as I walk, sending a small stone flying out onto the road. Why is it so difficult? Why does everyone else have hobbies and friends and I'm stuck, stuck in this sad awful reality. Friends is an interesting concept, I suppose. I can't really talk about it as I've never had any.

My hands shake slightly in the cold air, I quickly check the time and see there's only a mere 12 minutes to the bell, I know from experience I'm still 10 minutes away. Whoops, don't want to be late again, not like I'm on my final warning. I glance about and see my least favourite people, the one group of people who seem to acknowledge me. Maybe it's only to bully me, and I really don't want to talk to anyone right now.

If I cut across the road now, I can get in front of them, then I can just speed walk my way to class and they won't speak to me. I quickly step out onto the road in a rush, eyes focussed on where I'm planning to cut onto the pavement before they get there. But I've forgotten one thing, I'm crossing a road. And what's the first thing you must do before crossing a road?


The world slows as the wind hits me in the face, making my hair swirl around me. My ears shrank in on themselves as the loudest sound I've ever heard exploded inside my head. The lorry I didn't see, the one I would've, could've, should've seen, is speeding down the tarmac towards me.

I freeze like a deer in headlights, the massive white vehicle is getting closer, the drivers face contorting as they realise what is about to happen. Words I can't hear pour out of him, a prayer to God maybe? A prayer for me? Or a prayer for him. I feel like my heart is going to burst out of me and I wish it would. I wish it would take me far away with it.

But I can't move, can't get out of the way in time. In this moment I know this is certain death. It's going too fast for anything less. The past few seconds felt like an eternity but it's the end now. At least they can't blame me for being late to school. I'll never be late to school again, because I won't be going to school. I swallow, and blink as the truck hits. The impact rattles my bones and I feel myself flying through the air. My body is weightless and, less than a second later, it's lifeless too.

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