Chapter 12

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"O my! Don't you look stunning." Theo smirked. "I can't wait to see how you'll look on the red carpet next week."

"O shush." I smack his arm playfully. "I like to dress up for parties. Especially Christmas parties, and look at you," I gesture towards him in his black tux with a red bow tie, "YOU look handsome."

"I guess you could call us a sexy couple." He twirls me around. My dark, red dress swirls with the spin. Then he dips me.

"You're so dramatic-" I giggle.

"I'm hurt, Devon." He says as he pulls me back up.

"You didn't let me finish. What I was saying was, you're so dramatic AND romantic."

He kisses me on the cheek, not wanting to get red lipstick on him. "I love you."

"I love you too," I say just a little glum.

"What's wrong? Too soon?" He questions.

"No, it's just love has been tossed around like a beach ball. It's kind of lost its magic. I don't know, I might just be crazy."

"You're not crazy. Keep going."

"Well, When I was in middle school and high school 'love' was something couples would say the first second they started dating. Kind of sickening."

"So, let me get this straight. Saying 'love' to you is like saying 'I like you'?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Okay then I'll just say another word."

"Like what?" I asked confused.

"Like..." He thinks for a second, "swoon."

"Swoon?" I laugh. "It sounds like spoon, but I guess swoon will be our always."

"Devon, I swoon you. I swoon you so much!" He exclaims.

"O gosh. This is going to be a long night." I say while dragging him to the car.

------(Time Lapse)----

"My lady." Theo says while extending his hand for me to grab it while I get out of the car.

"Thank you, sir."

He leads me to the entrance of the fancy looking house. It looks kind of familiar, but I guess a lot of houses now a days look the same. People trying to blend in with the crowd.

Once we get into the "lavishing" house Theo is bombarded with all these people. "Hello... Hi there... It's good seeing you..." He says to everyone who comes up to him. "Everyone, this is Devon. She's the woman a swoon!"

Did he just? Great... I can feel my cheeks getting red.

"Hey everyone. Swoon means love for us." I say trying to make it look like Theo's not crazy, which is pretty hard since he is.

"Lets go get some drinks." Theo whispers in my ears.

"Okay." We start walking, and I swear I feel like someone's watching me. And yes, I know it's a party, but it just feels weird in a creepy way.

As Theo leads me towards the bar I keep seeing things in the corner of my eye, like someone is following us.

"Babe? You okay?" Theo asks as we sit down at the bar.

"What? O-umm-No I'm fine just thirsty." I say not wanting to worry Theo.

"O okay. What do you want to drink?"

"I don't care. What ever you're getting." I look over my shoulder again. I swear there's something there.

"You sure you're fine?" He questions me again.

"Yeah. It's just I have this weird feeling that someone's watching me."

Theo looks around. "Maybe you're imagining things. Why don't you go to the washrooms and splash some water on your face?" He suggested.

"Okay. Where are the restrooms?"

"Over there," he says while pointing to a sign that says 'restrooms this way', "I'll get us some drinks while you're in the washrooms."



"Okay, get a grip, Devon. You're okay. Have a fun night. Party. Live life!" I say to myself aloud since I was alone in the bathroom. I splash a small amount of water on my face, so I wouldn't mess up my makeup.

I freshen up a little bit and walk out of the bathroom. I slowly walk back to the bar, but I'm suddenly pushed to the wall with greet force.


❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Oooo cliff hanger! Who do you think it is?

Anyways special thanks to @Adadabs4 and @Chloe_Eaton24 because they gave me an idea for a future chapter. You should thank them because it'll get pretty saucy. *wink wink*

Keep your ideas coming! Also I need all of you to help me out with my two other books. I need help stat!

QOTD: Would you guys mind if I called you my Owls, or is there another name you would want to be called?

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