His chiseled face and sharp jawline were enhanced from the sun rays. She noticed a little stubble on his face that she never really taken the initiative to pay attention to. It wasn't very noticeable at first glance due to it being very short. He had told her he was growing a beard, but would occasionally shave it due to not wanting it.

Has he always been this . . . handsome?

"Dash, you're making a mess."

She flinched as he heard him speak. She looked down at her plate and realized her entire plate was covered in syrup. How long was she staring at him for? It couldn't have been too long because she only got the time to look at three of his features. She hadn't gotten the chance to look into his eyes.

"I cannot believe I just wasted the food you took your time to prepare," she groaned and nearly face planted, but she held herself back after remembering there was a plate full of syrup in front of her.

"It's not big deal," he shrugged and was about to take her plate, but she slapped his hand away.

"It is a big deal! Our parents only send 400 dollars for us to use a week, and I just wasted 20!" She took her fork and stabbed them into her waffles, taking a bite out of them despite how soaked they were. Some syrup missed the entry if her mouth and stayed in the outside corners of it.

Without saying a word, Soarin grabbed a napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth. She didn't even ask for his help, yet he did anyway. Dash felt her cheeks burn up as she felt his fingers through the napkin. Once he was done, he licked his thumb and wiped any remaining stickiness away from her face.

"All clean!" Soarin exclaimed with an ear-to-ear grin in his face. Dash just stared with her mouth agape from his sudden gesture. He noticed she wasn't moving apart from the rise and fall of her chest, so he ran his fingers through her hair to get a reaction out of her. This action only caused her to be even more stiff than before. "Looks like I broke you, huh?"

"Uuuuhhhh," she squeaked. "I should, finish this." Dash reluctantly ate the rest of her plate, getting syrup stuck on her face from time to time. Soarin sat beside her and made sure her face was clean at all times. She purposefully put some on her face once to see if he would wipe it off, and he did.

The moment her plate was clear, Soarin took her plate and put it in the empty dishwasher along with his. She insisted on helping him clean the table, but he declined due to wanting to do it himself.

"Why won't you let me help you? This is my house."

"I already told you why, Rainbow Dash," he answered her question.

"See, now you're calling me by my full name. You never do that!" In this case, Dash wasn't right or wrong. On some occasions, Soarin would call her by her full name, but only when absolutely necessary. He usually refers to her as "Dash" or "Rainbow".

"What is wrong with calling you by your name? Honestly, what is your problem?" Soarin asks with his eyes squinted, showing confusion. "You're all of a sudden getting upset at every insignificant little thing I do."

"Why wouldn't I, Soarin? First, you offer to watch a movie with me. Second you make an entire breakfast for the both of us. And third, you're wiping off messes I made on my own face as if I'm your-" Dash cuts herself off as she states her third reason. She wouldn't dare finish that sentence, ever. She backed away from Soarin and ran up the stairs to her room, not letting him get another word out.

Soarin watched as she scurried away, completely dumbfounded as to what just occurred. He found it hilarious that she didn't like him being nice to her. He thought about the last sentence she said before she ran off. He knew exactly what she was going to say, and exactly why she cut herself off. He smirked as he realized what that meant. Everything was falling into place.

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