My mouth was as wide opened as my eye. Did she just talk? If not because she introduced herself to me as Mercy I won't have known her name or the fact that she could talk. I have come to a conclusion that Mercy was the quiet on in the group, and her responding to my question took my by surprise, hence my surprised look. We talked and gisted for a while, and i got to find out they were all perfect, they all had the prefects-hip handover last week before I came and the only one who was not a prefect was Ebuka and Mercy.

The Bell rang signaling the end off lunch and we all eased out of the cafeteria one after the other. I and Ebuka headed for our technical class, Kevin and Lydia went for there art class, Chigozie and faruq went to the commercial class while Emmanuella and Mercy went to their science class. I am glad this school is spacious and reasonable enough not to muddle the classes up. Unlike HMP (Herbert Macaulay prep) my formal school where JSS3 and SS3 we're sharing the same class. Sigh that thing really irked me a lot especially when those JSS3 students talk back at me because we were sharing the same class.

" so Tomiwa, how do you like our school so far."

"Umm it's Ahhhhmazing. Better that I fascinated. Oh before I forget, your going to help me out because I have some catching up to do."

" well that's why I am here, come lets get to class we have Geography next and that woman does not play."

The rest of our classes when by in a flash and before I knew it, it was closing time. Funny how I wasn't looking forward to closing time because I was loving every minute spent here at my new school. Well the good new is I get to come back here tomorrow and that fact is just refreshing .

We were all at the monument of the school. I sat at the center while they all gathered around me like I was some kpop idol- which in truth, not brag I might be, have you heard my voice? Lol yeap I got to know more about them, they got to know that i am not the only child and I have an elder brother.  Hopefully they would get to meet him When he comes to pick me up. We were having a conversation on the maths class we all had today when Kevin spoke saying .

"Sooo how are you going to get home, when you came all by your self."

"I didn'--"

"Yea where you live is really far from here. Your lucky we are all SS3 student and we don't have to be on the Assembly all the Time. "

Chigozie said not letting me speaking as he was in support of Kevins statement. Great now the subject of conversation was how I would get home today. Before I got the change to speak, to remind them that I have an elder brother who was coming to pick me, kevin declared.

" you know what, all drive you"

"Urrr no you can't -Kevin- you don't don't have a driver's license or a car. "

"And that is why I will get my driver to drive her home instead. "

Ebuka said grinning so proudly like he just won a trophy. I raised an eye brown at him and he only smiled sheepishly before Chigoze spoke up.

"I have a better ideal, l'll walk you home"

"Ummm think again- gozie - my driving is way better than walking, so my driver and I got this cover "

"Well I'm uncovering it."

I rolled my eyes at them,  since they wouldn't let me speak I just  sat there under the school monument as they  kept on arguing back and front. 5minutes later I got a text message from my elder brother letting me know that he was outside the school gate.  I picking up my bag before I Bade them goodbye which instantly shut them up.

"Wait wait wait! where are you going?"

"Urrrr home"

I responded to Ebuka's question, and Faruq who had been quietly pressing his phone the whole time asked the next question.

"Wait! What so you mean home, how are you going to get there?"

"Oh my brother  is Driving me "


The all said simultaneously and mercy who was mute throughout the whole argument as well decided to speaks up.

"Wait, so you had a brother that was coming to pick you up this whole time, and you didn't tell us? "

"What??  Its not like you guys gave me a Chance too. your guys arguement was totally adorable, unnecessary but adorable. "

I said with a slight chuckle and a smile resting on my face.Before I could leave  emma said something that made me give her a pointed look which was.

"Whao. I'm just really stoked that you have an elder brother. "

"Wait, You didn't think I was the only child did you? Besides I mention I have an elder brother. "

The all mumbled incoherently which proves that they thought i was an only child. I Heaved a sign and rolled my eyes at  them. Typical rich kid mentality I thought  before responding.

"Well I'm not, I have an elder brother and he is waiting for me outside. I gotta go, see you guys tomorrow. "

I said before finally taking my leaves going to join my elder brother in his car . Immediately I did so the first question that came out of my elder brother Temidayo's mouth was.

"Hey kiddo how was your first day at Dowen Academy aka the RichElite Academy?  "

"Ooh it was the bomb. Com "

I responded giggling. With that we took of to the mainland to start the second part of my day at Golden-Fray Catering Company.


The end of another awesome  chapter guys, probably the longest chapter ever.   I hope you found it just  as interesting as I found it when I was writing it. Any who with no further ado

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And of cause i'd really appreciate it if you
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