Someday is just another word for never

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The plane was nearly empty. You wondered if the airline's network had malfunctioned because there must have been some kind of mistake. There was just no way this flight had been sold out. There couldn't have been more than fifteen people on board the entire plane. The few people you noticed were scattered across the plane, leaving many empty seats to choose from. Your eyes searched for him among the small group of people, but he was nowhere to be found.

You chose an empty row closer to the front of the plane. Embarrassingly, you had always been terrified of heights. This was only your second time flying and, if you had it your way, it would be your last.

The first and only time had been when you took a plane to LA two days prior. You were definitely still a little shaken up from your first experience, and preferred to be near the cockpit. Just in case shit hit the fan.

You grabbed your luggage and tried to hoist it above your head. To your surprise, it was light as air. That was when you noticed a large presence behind you holding the weight of your bag up and helping you set it in the compartment above your seat. You instantly knew it was him. He wasn't touching you, but he was still very close. You could feel the heat coming off of him and hitting your back.

"Thanks," you mumbled, turning around to face him.

When you did, you almost brushed your nose against his chest. He remained only inches away, looking down at you with narrowed eyes. He was so close, you could once again breathe in his resplendent scent. He did not seem happy to see you in the slightest. His face so intense, you thought you might shrivel right into the seat.

"I thought the flight was sold out," he said in a gruff tone.

"I-I thought so too. Guess they were wrong," you tore your eyes away and scanned the plane, "I mean no wonder airlines are going out of business... there's no one on the plane."

"Hm," he grunted, backing away from you. He turned his head and noticed the row across from yours was empty. There was only a small walkway separating your seat and the one he was observing. With what seemed to be little or no reservations, he plopped down in the seat beside you.

"Is that where you were sitting? What a coincidence," you pointed out in a giggle.

"It wasn't. It is now," he replied blankly.

"Okaaaayy," you mumbled, sitting down. "I'm Y/N, by the way," you blurted out suddenly, turning your head to get a good look at him. His eyes were fastened on the door of the cockpit. Slowly, he looked back to you. Face still blank.

"Kylo," he returned.

Kylo. It was admittedly a very odd name. You could confidently say that you had never heard anything like it. That being said, it fit him like a glove. Looking at him now, you couldn't imagine calling him anything else. It was a name that exuded power. Much like the man himself.

"It's very nice to meet you, Kylo," you said smiling, hoping to be granted one in return. No such luck. You only noticed a small tug on the left side of his mouth.

"Your sister is getting married," he said more like a statement than a question.


"Your sister. She's getting married in two days. Congratulations," he said matter-of-factly. Not at all sounding in a congratulatory mood.

"Oh! Right, yes. I didn't realize you'd heard that, but thank you," you breathed. You nerves were slowly getting the best of you. Not only were you speaking to a beautiful man who looked as if he could break your windpipe with the snap of his fingers, but you were also on a plane about to ascend 35,000 feet into the air. This was definitely not the average day for you.

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