Chapter 20

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The day's grew longer and the air warmer. Soon the leaves began to grow back and gave the grounds some much needed color. Harry and Draco grew closer every day and through them, the Gryffindors and the Slytherins did too. One Friday afternoon in March, Pansy dared Gryffindor house to a game of Truth or Dare. Gryffindors being Gryffindors, obviously couldn't say no. So, later that night, a big group of Harrys' friends snuck out of Gryffindor tower and made their way to the dungeons. They had been instructed to wait in the corridor that lead from potions to the Great Hall. There was a big painting of Salazar Slytherin that they were supposed to wait by. Despite the warming weather, the group still shivered slightly as they waited for someone to come and get them. Everyone had their eyes trained on the corners, waiting for someone to make their appearance.

"Fancy seeing a group of lions down here in the dungeons" The voice came from behind them and they all whipped around to see Blaise stand by the painting, a teasing grin on his face.

"How did you even get there? We've been watching every corner?" An agreeing murmur broke out at Ron's question. The smile on Blaise's face grew wider before he turned around and put the tip of his wand to the tip of Slytherin's wand in the painting. A small light could be seen before the frame of the painting released itself from the wall with a faint click and swung open. It was a door!

"Our very own secret room." He gestured for the Gryffindors to walk in before following himself and closing the portrait after them.

"Salazar Slytherin sure liked adding secrets to the castle." Ron looked over at Harry and reminded him of the Chamber of Secrets. Harry couldn't help but laugh at the truth of Ron's comment.

The décor was dark with a few light details. It was clear that the room had been used for many years and that it had been loved by the ones who used it. The walls were covered in insignias and quotes and there were many used old book as well as mismatching pillows and blankets in the sofas and armchairs. The room was lived in and despite its typical Slytherin feel to it, the Gryffindors felt right at home. In the corner there was a table with a bunch of different drinks such as pumpkin juice, butterbeer and more. The Gryffindors filled their cups before joining the others.

"So, who's first?" Pansy's friend Millicent smiled and looked around the circle. When no one volunteered she simply turned to Pansy before asking her to choose between truth or dare. Pansy rolled her eyes at her friend, making it clear that this was not the first time Millicent had picked her to go first.


"I dare you to kiss Hermione." The lack of hesitation made it clear that this was a dare that Millicent had thought of before the game. And by the rosy tint of Pansy's cheeks it was easy to guess why. Hermione sat right across from Pansy, her cheeks about the same color as Pansy's. Pansy put down her drink before standing up and walking over to Hermione. Without a second's hesitation she leaned down and kissed her. When she pulled away and walked back to her seat, Hermione's cheeks were even darker red and Ron, who sat next to her, looked rather flustered. Everyone recovered quickly though and the game continued.

For the next few hours they played truth or dare. Harry ended up telling everyone his first kiss and was dared to lick Draco's cheek, which he found hilarious. He also learned a bunch of embarrassing truths from everyone and watched some great dares play out. His favorites were Neville's attempt at a handstand, Ron's dare to eat an entire lemon without making a face as well as when Millicent had to imitate a mandrake.

"Draco! Truth or dare?" Blaise took a sip from his butterbeer and looked expectantly at his best friend.


"Damn, I was hoping you'd go with truth... any ideas?" He looked around the circle, a brow raised, ready to accept any suggestions. Everyone was quiet for a while, trying to think of a good dare to give Draco. Soon, Pansy's face lit up and she looked at Blaise before setting her gaze on Draco, a wicked smirk on her face.

"I dare you to kiss someone that you find attractive, but it can't be someone that you've already kissed." The room was silent. Harry felt a slight tug in his heart. It was just a dare, but he wasn't sure how he would feel about Draco kissing someone else. Draco gave Harry a hesitant smile before walking over to Blaise and kissing him. The kiss was quick, barely a brush against the lips, but Harry still hated it. Draco walked back to his seat and the game resumed.

No one seemed to notice, but Harry wasn't really in the game anymore. His mind had begun to wander as soon as Draco's lips touched Blaise's. Harry hadn't really seen himself as the jealous type before. Sure, maybe he had been slightly jealous of Dean when he had dated Ginny in sixth year, but that was because Dean had had someone that Harry had wanted. He already had Draco. They were boyfriends, and the kiss that he had shared with Blaise had been without emotions, he knew this. He really had nothing to be jealous for, yet he couldn't make the feeling go away.

Much to Harry's luck, the game ended not long after and he managed to sneak away before anyone had time to realize that he was upset. He felt stupid, yet he didn't want to have to pretend like everything was fine. So, before anyone had even managed to get out the door, Harry had run of. By the time the rest came back to the dormitory, Harry was already in bed with his curtains drawn. He lay still, waiting to see if Ron would check on him, but when he heard Ron's bed creak slightly as he too went to bed, Harry relaxed.

He knew that he had acted stupid, and he knew that he shouldn't have left before saying goodnight to Draco. He knew that he would get shit for that tomorrow. But Draco knew him well enough to know if he was lying. He would have seen right through Harry and known that he wasn't ok. Harry wanted time to collect himself before he saw Draco again. He needed time to get that pit in his stomach to go away. Tomorrow, he promised himself. Tomorrow he would be fine again and he would come up with some dumb excuses for his quick escape. Maybe that he had really needed the restroom or something.

After much tossing and turning he finally fell asleep. All night, he dreamt that Draco left him for someone else. It shifted all the time and he had to watch Draco leave him for Blaise, Pansy, Ron, Dean and even Ginny. When he woke the next morning, he felt exhausted and he felt extremely glad that it was Saturday and that he didn't have any classes to get to. For a few minutes he stayed in bed. The pit in his stomach came back as soon as he remembered the kiss from yesterday and he cursed himself for feeling like this.

Eventually he got out of bed and got dressed. The rest of the guys were still asleep and he tried to be quiet as he got ready and left the room. It was still early and he hoped that Draco might still be in bed. That would give him time to come up with any excuse he might need for his behavior. Hell, maybe Draco hadn't even noticed that he had run off yesterday. And just maybe he might be able to keep him in the dark about his feelings today.

He made his way down the many stairs and was almost all the way down when his stomach growled. He laughed lightly and felt his mood lift. But, as he rounded the last corner and the doors to the Great Hall came into view, it quickly dropped again. Outside the doors, wearing private clothes and his eyes fixed on Harry, stood his boyfriend... and it was clear that he was not happy.

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