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"Good evening, we're closed on 8 PM. Come again-" I cut the person I met there so fast like I was rapping, or not really, "Hi, I'm really sorry for asking you this but I won this company's logo design competition and I was supposed to submit my design today but..." I forgot.

"Something came up so I only get to come now." I finally slowed down as the outburst ended. A long subtle sigh slipped from my mouth. It felt so much like I'd just gotten from a marathon, when in fact, I hadn't even started.

"Please, help me – this is really important, for my life..." My head dropped on whatever hard surface in front of me. I was wondering if it's better to just go straight home, since I'd started losing the feeling in my bones. The desire to give up was suddenly so near to fill myself.

Perhaps, switching to a 2G phone isn't that bad, you know.

"Actually," Just a word from the person, seemingly their receptionist or security acting like the receptionist, already gave me shivers that I glance up. "Yes?" I said, my eyes widened at the slight hope. I might look very pathetic at this point but it's nothing compared to my sad, frugal days.

"You said you had to submit your design, right? I'm not sure if I can be any help but-" I cut him again and it's too early that he furrowed his eyebrows into a sad look, "Yes, please! I'm okay with everything."

Assuming I'd just annoyed the only source of help I had, I started bowing deeply, "Sorry! Please!! Continue!" – and mentally slapping myself.

"Just, go straight from here, turn left, take the elevator to the 5th floor, then turn left and turn right. The Creative Division will be on your left. I suppose you can leave your design there. All the best." He added, "Please note that I'm not sure it's the right division for your matter, but-"

"It's alright! Thank you so so much, sir!"

I immediately grabbed his hand with both hands and shook it fervently, it could've hurt him, before I bolted to the elevator.


Long story short I'd completely forgotten what the security guy said. It's always a bad idea to live the life of the nocturnals, when you're never one in the first place.

"Wait, after elevator, is it turn left or right—
– why didn't I write that down?" Pressing my eyes in disbelief as the elevator door opened, I felt both anxious and scared. I knew I'd have to go home still with the design if I failed in a few minutes – the day was ending in a few minutes. And if the elevator button and number indicator were off here, everything would've been pitch black, literally. I might be already in my 20s but age is just a number and dark places are real scary stuff, you know.

I let my body drop on the floor slowly, as my finger was reaching up to the elevator button. The small burst of energy I had just a few minutes ago had completely depleted. I was having a hard time supporting myself.

Not until I saw a glint of light coming from a figure heading to the corner in the hallway. I brought myself up and ran to that finding as if my life depended on it – it did.


"Excuse me! Sorry for bothering you, I'm the winner of-" I paused, crinkling my nose up in disgust as I inhaled. The person smelled  like he's just showered in alcohol! How fun, I could barely afford one.. sip.

It's a guy and he's already sitting on the bare floor looking like a total creep. He's leaning his back on the wall while his head facing downwards, his hair dropping lose covering his eyes, his tie trying to beat my earbuds in terms of looking very pitiful, and his shirt, it's not tugged properly with several upper buttons busted open. On the second thought, hot.

In the most seriousness, weirdly enough, something in me felt a tiny bit of sympathy and I found him understandable. As if I could relate. I couldn't help but think of the possibility that he's having the same situation as me. Therefore I, hesitantly held his shoulders, helping him to stand on his feet as I knitted my eyebrows together.

I wonder, how did he pass the security? – this basically confirms that I seem drunk too.

Wait, am I actually-

"Are you lost?" I asked him.

"No." He replied weakly like he's whispering as he finally looked up.

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