It was breaks time and fortunately for me I didn't have enough Money to buy food. To make matters worse Erica wasn't in school to feed me and I even after having breakfast this morning , I am still very hungry like I never had breakfast. I was beyond hungry at the  moment almost crying self,  but I had to hold myself I was a big girl and big girls don't cry. I was in my class room reading as usual when Smith walked and in groaned inwardly.

"Hey, I didn't see you in the cafeteria and I thought I'd, well... Here  you look like you need this pack of food more Than me."

He said not even trying to flirt with me or anything. He  was kind enough to keep his feeling for me at bay and for once i was  thankful for that, I probably would have yelled at him if he tried to flirt with me in this condition of mine. It was my hunger that made me realize I was in so much pain from the beating I had received earlier today.

" you didnt have to, but it's because you insist sha, let me just collect it so it will not wasted."

I gave him a mocking grimace and he chuckled In responded. Coming to sit in front of me with two packs in his hands, one for him and one For me. I said a little prayer before diving  into the coconut rice and turkey, I didn't even looks at him why I was eating. I finished eating my food before him in less than 5minutes while he was just taking his time. By the time I  looked up at him and our eyes meet he exclaimed like someone who saw a Ghost.

" Chios!! Iwa!! Where is the food?? What did you do to it, don't tell me you thew it away oo!!"

I just busted out laughing, is this guy for real, he saw me licking my hand, and the bone of the turkey as well and he is asking that kind jamb question. I just shook my head at him and drank enough water to push down the food, because I was just eating and i didn't drink water at all.

" young man you know what. Since you think I thew the food away, if you can't finish your own food let me help you with it. I'll just help you throw it away as well. See jamb question"

I retorted laughing at him like he was a comedian who came to perform. No matter how hard I wanted to stop laughing his facial expressions was just priceless.

" whoa you really ate the food.  You finished it, Whao you must really be hungry then, here you can have mine."

" ehhen now you are talking, bring it. Let me throw it away as well"

He watched me quietly eating what was left of his food a lopsided smile on his face, was he admiring me or  checking me out? Omo that wasn't my business right now. I finished his  food for Him and drank water on it a huge smile on my face and he shook his head at me In disbelief.

You've stared baaa enjoying this boys affection for you, where as you feel nothin for him.

My subconscious was right with that, I Had better prepare myself for what was to come, hmm because this one Smith hasn't  tried to kiss me or flirt with me, something is definitely up. I decided to speak up and ask because the silence was unbelievable.

" Smith."

" look I am so sorry that happened, you know , Tiana and the food fight, and you having to serve punishment  for two. I feel really awful that I am the reason for the fight and I am really sorry. I—"

" Smith! It's alright, apologies accept, and thank you for the food it really mean a lot."

He smile at me before getting up to pack the plate we used to eat so he could dispose it.  Once that was done i was sure he wad going to leave my Class and head to his. That was far from what he did, he came back to sit in front of me he looked at me for a while, opening and closing his mouth debating whether or not he should say what was on his mind. Finally he spoke saying

"Why didn't you tell me Tiana was having an affair behind my back"

" whoa, i didn't  know you we still a couple. Oh well, I didn't tell you for several reasons, but the most cogent one is. its not in my place to tell you."

He looked upset. Like he was hiding something but he covered it us by asking another question, but i didn't miss the sadness in his eyes as he said.

"But you told the whole school at the cafeteria the other day."

"True, I was only letting her know that I knew her secret , the fact that the whole school know is Just and added bonus, but it was never my intention."

I said concluding. And before he could reply the time keeper rang the bell.  Just like Chicken let out of there cage my class mates came trooping into my class and he had to leave. I don't think he minded because he didn't look like he was going to say something.

The next class we had was civic education and because I over ate I ended up sleeping through the class. I was enjoying my sleep just fine until some one decided to report me to the civic education teacher that I was sleeping. As punishment she thoughts  it best that I did pick pin in front of the whole classroom. Some snickered at me and some out rightly laughter m but I was the least bit affect.

The next class was English but the teachers are in a meeting. I was so happy because this give  me the opportunity to continue from where i stop In my sleep. Usually I would be with Erica gisting but she wasn't around.  In as much as I wanted to pay her a visit since she said she wasn't feeling to good, i know I Can't, I couldn't I needed to be at Mrs Okikies shopping to Make small chops  to sell.

I know I am going be there late due to stupid punish I got, yea, due to the food fight I was given the punishment to clean the whole cafeteria all by my self. It was supposed to be i and Tiana that should clean the cafeteria but Some reason she found away to put all the blame on me. I still can't believe because of the food fight, I get to clean the cafeteria for 1week straight. It was painful but what could I do.

Once  it was closing time I went to the cafeteria, to meet the cleaner who were very very happy to seem me. They were happy that I have come to relieve them of there work load. I groaned inwardly and faked a smile at them as they gave me all the things I needed to clean the cafeteria. The left me to it so they could do  the other sides of school that was designated to them and I began to get to work.

" hey, need a hand?"

" Whao Tiana, which angel possesses you so. It's strange to find you here and you wanting to help? What's the catch"

" urge just pass me the broom will you. I'm doing this to keep my relationship with Smith a live. For the last time paws off him."

"Sure he is all yours."

I said as I  Snickered at her.  We  both worked together to clean the cafeteria. By the time I was done time was fast spend , there was no point in setting foot in Miss Okikie shop. Time was fast spent already so I went home knowing I was going to revive beating as welcome  home  gift from  Miss Okikie. I didn't need a soothe sayer to let me know she was beyond angry with me because I didn't coming in to the work early not just for that day but for that week.


The end of another awesome  chapter guys, probably the longest chapter ever.   I hope you found it just  as interesting as I found it when I was writing it. Any who with no further ado

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