Character Files

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Kairi Bakugo

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Birthday: April 10


           brother -- Katsuki Bakugo

           mother -- Mitsuki Bakugo

           father -- Masaru Bakugo

Hair: Dirty blonde/Light brown

Eyes: Pink

Build: rather small, but strong, 154 cm (about 5 ft) tall


           ~  Bubble Boom

- She can make bubbles from her hands or mouth and can make them explode.

- She can control the size of the bubble and were it goes.

- The bigger the bubble, the bigger the explosions

- When a bubble is applied directly to a body part by her, she can heal the area inside the bubble

- All the bubbles for healing are relatively small, the biggest being 3 inches.

- The more she uses her quirk, the more unpredictable the bubbles become.

- She can get dizzy, cough up blood, and get sore throat and hands when over-using quirk.


  1. Gets migraines pretty often.

  2. Calls bakugo both Kitty-nii and my prince. He really hates getting called 'my prince'.

  3. Uses the innocent act to catch opponents off guard in a battle.

  4. Loves bakugo more than anything in the world (bakugo loves her the same amount if not more).

  5. Painstakingly shy, but people get drawn to her so she ends up making friends.

  6. Always smells like a mixture between lavender and caramel.

  7.  Trains all night at a park and sleeps during lunch.

  8. Loves skirts and suspenders.

  9. Good problem solver for other people, terrible at solving her own problems.

  10. Her freckles illuminate slightly pink with quirk use, they're spread under her eyes and across her nose.

That's my drawing of her at the top, so...

I hope that helps. What she's wearing in the drawing is her favorite outfit, btw.

You also might notice the pets at her feet. The yellow one is Honey, the blue one is Dizzy, and the brown one is Spinner.

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