Training Camp

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I Will maybe update every week! Maybe...

Just Quick reminder: i May write like trash .-.


Deku pov:

Mr. Aizawa told us about a training camp yesterday! I am so excited to know everything about it! He said he was gonna tell us about it today.

" Morning Midoriya!" i heard Iida say, when i walked out of my dorm. I said hi, and we starte walking to class.

" Are you excited for the training camp?" Iida asked, i nodded and lmost could't wait to go to class.

~~~~Timeskip to class~~~~

" So today class, i will tell you about that training camp." Aizawa said, and Mina almost jumped up and down in her seat.

" Ashido, calm down," Aizawa said, and Ashido stopped jumping.

" So, as i told you yesterday, we are going on a training camp,(Ashido started jumping up and down again) with a special class! You'll meet them today. They will come after lunch, and you'll behave when they come. They are a top secret school called JHS. Yes Midoriya?"

I took my hand down, and started talking; " What does JHS stand for?"

" It stands for Japanese Hero School. It's a secret school, for rich and trained kids. In that school, when you get to 3rd class, you become a hero!" Aizawa explained.

The whole class almost dropped their jaws.

" In 3rd class!?" Uraraka said, and Aizawa nodded. We all just stared at him. The bell rang, and we all started going to the lunch area.

" So how do you think they'll be?" Sero asked me, I actually didn't know.

" Im sure they aren't as strong as us!" Kaminari said proudly, but he was cut of by Jiro who smacked him in the backhead. And they started arguing.

" So Deku! Do you think they'll be stronger than us?" Uraraka asked me. She smiled up in my face, while she ate her rice.

" Maybe, mr. Aizawa did say they almost trained their whole life," i replied, and took a big bite of my chicken noodles. Uraraka looked schooked.

" He said that!? Sorry, i didn't really listen, hehe, she rubbed the back of her head, " i was thinking about what they would be like!"

Iida interupted us; " Lunch is almost over, quit talking that much and eat your food, befor class starts."

----Timeskip to class----

" Good. The students from JHS has arrived. But befor you'll meet them, i wan't to tell you something! You need to behave when they are there! This class is not a normal class. They are the best class on the whole school! And they have the top two strongest students in it! Their class name is class 2.c. They will introduce themselves, and then you'll introduce yourself to them! Uderstood?" Aizawa said. Everyone almost shouted 'Yes sir.' I was so excited to meet them! They sounded so cool, and i couldn't wait to see their quirks, and show mine. Maybe im a little TOO excited, hehe.

" Ok, class 2.c you may come in!" Aizawa said, and poined at the door.

The door opened, and maybe 21 students walked in, some of them were really high, and some of them was really short. They all looked cool, and i wanted to introduce myself right away!

Bakugou pov:

Theese freaks thinks they are something, no way they are stronger than me! They look so weird, and some of them were even shorter than me, even tho they might be 18 years old! I glanced at one of them, she had to horns sticking out of her hair. The left side of her hair was white, and the right side was blue. They walked up to the front of the classroom, and waved at us.

" Excuse me mr?" One of them said, she had green hair, was tall, and looked to damn excited.

" Yes?"

" Why are the U.A uniforms so tight?" She asked, and the whole class nodded.

" Eh, well... Its the training uniform so." Aizawa tried to explain it, until one of them cut him off, and said they understood.

" Well introduce yourself," Aizawa said, and yawned.

" Me first! Me first!" A girl said, she had short grey hair, yellow eyes, and had ears, a tail and claws. So she looke like a wolf.

" I am Aid Balkeish! I come from America, so thats why my name sound a little bit weird!" She said, and looked excited at all of us. She was showed back by af boy. He had red bushy hair with three yellow stripes in it, He had racoon eyes with a red iris( that colored thing around you're pupil), he was really tall. He smirked, and started talking:

" My name is Rijou Pankawa! I am so excited to beat you're asses!"


Thanks for reading this chapter, i know, i know: Im so bad at writing.

Please say what you think of this story, chapter 2 will soon be out!

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