Chapter 2: An Eternity More

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Both Mr. and Mrs. Harris insisted that Birdie shouldn't worry herself with packing a bag, but Birdie was deaf to their request. She marched to her room and shoved her favourite clothes into her worn out bag. Books, drawing supplies, her journal - she even went as far as to tuck her favourite pillow under her arm on her way out of her room.

Adrian was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. "Do you need me to take anything?" He held out open hands, waiting for her to fill them with her belongings.

She snorted, loud and unlady-like. "I can carry my own things."

The corner of his lip upturned ever so slightly, and he nodded. He stood back to give her room in the narrow hallway. She rolled her eyes and continued on her trek to the front door.

At the door, her father propped open the door with his foot, while she squeezed through with her abundance of items. Mr. Harris stood by a shining, black limo, patiently waiting for her. Mrs. Harris stood off to the side with Birdie's mother, immersed in their conversation. Mr. Harris didn't say anything to Birdie, he just tapped on the glass of the vehicle with his knuckle. Birdie watched as a man exited from the driver's door, and walked around to open up the trunk for her. He started to reach for her belonging, but she dodged out of the way and threw her things in a pile inside.

"Darling Jane, it's time to get going." Mr. Harris called to his wife. Jane quickly finished up her conversation, and hugged Lisa goodbye.

Birdie felt strong arms wrap around her tightly. Her father's musty smell invaded her nose. "We'll visit lots, I promise you. We'll visit and call so much that you won't even miss us." Birdie chuckled and pulled away to face him.

"I'll miss you no matter what, Dad."

As Birdie crawled into the vehicle, her mother gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She sat beside Adrian in the back, but made sure to leave space between them. Cooties were not on her list of things to catch.

Birdie waved to her parents as the car began to drive away, but the windows were so tinted that it made it impossible to see.

Through the drive, Mrs. Harris made many attempts to make conversation. Birdie gave short responses. She didn't feel like small talk, and she especially didn't feel like talking about the scheme of her upcoming wedding.

She glanced up, only when Mr. Harris began to speak. His voice was low and deep, and you could tell that he was the type of man to only speak with a purpose.

"I understand that unpacking and getting used to your new life will take it's toll on you, so we've moved our plans to tomorrow. During the evening, Adrian is going to take you out for dinner. We need both of you on your best behavior so as to get as much positive publicity as possible."

Jane leaned forward, "although, the media is terrible for always finding something to turn on you. Try not to let it get to you when the new starts getting out, dear. It'll be tough for the first few months. It took me just under a year before I started letting it go."

Mr. Harris nodded. "Adrian is going to propose there. Try to act as surprised at possible."

It took all of Birdie's will not to stick her tongue out at him. She'd die before she played a pawn in their sick game. But she nodded instead. Mr. and Mrs. Harris went back to their previous conversation.

Adrian turned towards her, "it's honestly not as bad as they're making it out to be. I think you'll be a natural at it."

Birdie laughed, "I've never had to fake something like this before." She looked directly into his oceanic eyes. "But, I take it I'm going to have to start faking a lot of things." She refused to even attempt to hide the smirk that immediately lit up her face.

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