chapter six

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Third person POV
Jack hears glass break and quickly hides behind couch he had thought quickly and turned off all the lights knowing anti would help and loan him some of his power...he hears mark speak. "oh baby~ where are you? Why are you hiding from me?" It sounds like Ethan.... He quickly realizes he is no longer hiding and is up against a wall with a knife to his throat jack looks over at Amy and sees her crying but laughing. It looks like mark smacked her but shes laughing? Their both physcotic... Jack thought and quickly punches mark in the gut and kicks his gun away from him and pins mark to the ground "why are you doing this mark? It doesn't need to be like this" mark laughs and glares at me " it didn't have to be like this but you fucked with my senpai" I growl and hold his wrist tighter " Its not my fault you cheated on Ethan with Amy ya sick bastard"

(Hey guys a quick authors note, should I continue this story? And if so please help with ideas ;-;)

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