Phone Number | Chpt 5

Start from the beginning

"Oh okay, thanks," I said, turning to go back up the stairs.

"Wait, what'll it be?"

"Oh...I think I'm going to stay today. Wednesday can be like..."

"Family dinner night?" he suggested.

"Yeah, that," I replied. He nodded and I headed back for my room.

Sorry guys, Wednesday is my family dinner night now

Hana: nah that's cool! we'll see you tomorrow!
Ryou: Ofc.
Hana: oh hey did you guys hear about the whole welcoming party for students?
Ryou: No?


Hana: well it's a little party in the dorms, i think 1-A dorms bc they have a pretty big lounge?

You're not suggesting we go right?

Hana: it could be fun! plus you can see your boyfriend

Please don't say that.

Hana: fine, but if you want me to ask for Ashido's number by myself, youre coming with to this party

Blegh, as if my dad would let me go

Hana: he better >:(
Ryou: It could be interesting. When?
Hana: saturday i think? (y/n) youre coming.

-_- fine

Hana: hah, yes. do you think she listens to girl in red?
Ryou: I don't even know what that means.
Hana: gay, stupid. gay.

I laughed, shaking my head as the messages died down for dinner. I slipped on a warmer pair of socks and headed downstairs to where I could see Mic in the kitchen, giving a questionable look to a green onion.

"What are you doing?" I asked, stifling a laugh.

"Which end am I supposed to use?" he asked.

"Other way around. Haven't you eaten a green onion?" I asked, passing into the kitchen.

"I am not a master chef. I've got other things to think of!" he called and I shook my head. I tugged out a few things he was missing from the soup he was making, placing them on the counter for him, as well as turning on the oven to warm some bread. "Can I ask your honest opinion?"


"When my students suggest I wear my hair in braids, are they making fun of me?" he asked.

"Well that depends on how they asked."

"Well should I wear my hair in braids."

"Absolutely not," I said, taking the green onion from him and chopping it up. "Though, I would be willing to do that just to see how it looks. I have a feeling you shouldn't go outside in it though."

Mic always wore his hair down in the apartment considering his wacky hair could basically knock things off shelves and break them. That was learned the hard way. My father recalled the time I was born, Mic having shorter hair that was spiked up kind of like Mirio's was. It was hard to imagine now, considering just how long his hair is.

"I could rock braids." I snorted, placing the bread on a pan and shoving it into the quickly heating oven. It was strange that my biological father was not home yet, knowing he probably wanted to get home as quickly as possible. I had seen Kaminari there at the end of the day. Maybe he was dealing with something. I glanced over to Mic staring at a pepper.

"Do you...not know how to cut that either?"


"How did you ever survive before I was born. Dad's a terrible cook too," I said, taking the knife from him.

"Hey, we're not terrible cooks."

"I beg to differ," I said, smirking at the cutting board where I poised my knife.

"Jeez you learn how to cut green onions and you suddenly know everything!" Mic joked and I laughed. I could see he was positively beaming that we were getting along swimmingly now. It wasn't that we didn't get along, but this was one of the more comfortable conversations we've had in a long time. We hadn't heard the door shut as he continued to tease to which I was indignant until I glanced up to my father watching admirably from the lounge.

"Oh...hi dad."

"No dinner in the cafeteria today?"

"You can only eat that food for so long," I said, sarcastically. I threw the peppers in the pot of broth.

"Can you cut a green onion?" Mic asked Shouta as he greeted him with a kiss and I shook my head. "We have a green onion prodigy on our hands Sho."

"Oh, I know. My power is insurmountable."

"Truly," my father said. I set down the knife, accepting his invitation for a hug. I felt him squeeze me tighter than normal, pressing a kiss with half his mouth against the side of my head.

"You okay dad?" I asked as he let go.

"Well, it's only day 3 and we've already had a mishap. I've got the students paired up, one team is villains and the other is heroes. We only got through 2 today, which we'll have to continue tomorrow, and unfortunately it seems 2 of my students do not get along."

"What do you mean?"

"Bakugo nearly killed Midoriya in the exercise," he said, letting out a drawn sigh. I placed a hand over my mouth, glancing at Mic who was shocked.

"Was that where you were? Dealing with that?" he nodded and I frowned. "That's terrible."

"Well, at least I could come home to you two," he said. "What are you cooking it smells wonderful." Mic answered and I watched my father with concern. He wasn't one to express worry in the most obvious ways, but I had learned to pick up on it. This was upsetting, even for him. He did seem more at ease and happy now that he was here, which was a good sign of course.

That was all I could do.


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