Sebastian Stan

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Your standing in line for his autograph you're nervous and next in line.

"Hi whats your name" Sebastian says.

"Hi i'm Y/N." You say in a shaky voice.

"It's nice to meet you." He says.

You walk over to him.

"Why are you nervous?" he asks.

"Um I-II"

"It's ok take your time." 

"I can't do this."

You walk out of the line and think why did I do that.


You look behind you it's Sebastian.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yeah just nervous" You say.

He takes your hand and holds it, you look at him and he smiles.

"Don't you have other fans to go see?" You ask.

"Yes but I came to make sure you were ok." He says.

"Thank you but I think they want to see you."

"It's ok they can wait" He says.

" I will wait go to them first." You say.

He gets up and goes back to the table and you sigh that was close. You sit there thinking for awhile.

"I can't leave him." You whisper softly to yourself.

You get up to get some cotton candy.

"Wow why would he talk to me?" You ask yourself.

You get the cotton candy and return to your seat, it's almost sunset you look back and he has a few more people so you wait a few more minutes.

You feel a tap on you shoulder and you turn around it's Sebastian you lose your breath.

" I-II i'm sorry just..."

"It's ok it's just me." Sebastian says.

He kneels in front of you and grabs both of your hands.

"Look at at me." He says calmly.

You look into his deep blue eyes.

"Just breath you're ok." Sebastian says.

Sebastian sits there and waits for you to calm down.

"I think i'm good now." You say.

"Do you want something to eat?" He asks.

"I should be getting home." You say.

" I can take you home and we can get McDonald's."

You think to yourself your mind is empty.

"Yes, but can we also get plums?"

He laughs.

"Yes we can." He says.

You both stand up and head to his car. He opens the door for you and you get in.

"Thank you." You say.

He gets in and starts driving.

"So I see you are a huge fan of mine."

"Um yeah." You say.

You're embarrassed and start to blush.

"Why are you a fan of me?" He asks.

"Well I love you and your quotes and how nice you are to others." You say.

He looks over at you and smiles.

"You have helped me a lot." You say.

After a long drive you get your food and eat it in the car.

"Thank you for tonight this is a dream come true."

"Your welcome, it's nice to have someone to talk to that's not famous." He says.

He drives you home and you give him your Instagram name.

"Thank you for today and for driving me home." You say.

"Your welcome I will follow you on Instagram." He says.

"Okay, I also could help you learn how to use it." You say.

He hugs you.

"Drive home safely." You say.

"I will." He says.

He gets in his car and drives away. You go into your house smiling and go to bed.


You look at your phone.

imsebastianstan follows you.

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