Ch. 2 - Fred's Bro-Tillion

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Random thought, if the Big Hero-verse has all these combinations like Noodle Burgers, and Yaki Taco, do you think they'd have that one thing Ron constantly eats from Kim Possible, The Naco?

Anyway, above is the dress you where to the bro-tillion, and here's a vine compilation I thought y'all might like ;)

Credit to kida!

"Sweetie?" Michael called out after knocking on my door.

"Come in." I answered. Michael stepped in as I brushed my hair. It'd been a few days since we moved back to San Fransokyo, and Michael and I were starting to get into the routine of things.

Every morning Michael would go off to work with his business partner, Orso Knox, and I would go to Lucky Cat Café to have breakfast with Hiro and the rest of the gang before goofing off with them for the rest of the day. School also started for me, but I usually spent lunch and my study block at SFIT to hang out with my friends.

Michael came in. "So I know you and Fred usually go to that café in the morning, but Fred is a little too busy this morning, so I was wondering if you could help him out."

I set my brush down on my bed. "Sure, what does he need help with?"

"Getting ready for his bro-tillion."

I stared at my step-dad like an idiot. "His bro-what?"

"It's a fancy gala in his honour." Michael explained. "Heathcliff explains it better, but Fred's in his room right now if you want to check up on him. He's stressing out about it."

"Okay." I hopped off my bed and gave Michael a hug. "See you after work."

He returned the hug. "See you after work." He repeated, but right as I was about to head down to Fred's room, he called me back. "One more thing!"

I turned to look at him. "Yeah?"

"Would you be okay being the pianist at the bro-tillion?" Michael asked.

I blinked in surprise. I picked up music from my mother as a hobby, but it had been a long time since I touched a piano. I usually stuck to my guitar, but I wouldn't mind playing piano if it was for a friend. "Sure, I'll just have to practice a few songs first."

I waved goodbye and made my way down the hall to Fred's room, only to find that Hiro, Baymax, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Gogo were already there. They were all in their regular clothes, except for Fred, who wore his bath robe and a towel over his head. I hung back by the door. "There's no escape. There's no hope." Fred told his friends.

"Alright." I could tell Gogo was done with his dramatic tone. "Drama King, explanation, now."

"It's his bro-tillion." I explained. Everyone turned to look at me, completely unaware that I was there until just now. "Michael sent me to check up on you, Fred."

"What are you doing here, Y/n?" Hiro asked, confused.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you something really cool?" I asked, referring to the fact that he didn't tell me about Big Hero 6. "Michael and I are living here for the time being."

Honey Lemon's eyes lit up. "Really? That's amazing!"

"Oh, yeah." Fred agreed with her. "The other day, we had a Kentucky Kaiju Marathon."

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