#Imagine 12 (A)

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It was Christmas and you and Adam shared your first kiss under the mistletoe.

25th of December was your favourite day of the year. Especially when it was spent around the Goodman household. You'd been a family Goodman for the longest you can remember, only recently dating Adam, their eldest son.

Jackie had asked you to arrived early so you could help finish decorating the dinning room for dinner. Which you didn't mind one bit.

The doorbell rang it was around 1pm, Jackie wanted the boys to be around earlier than the usual Friday night hour. "Martin! can you get the door?" You heard Jackie shout, with things being sounded like they'd drop you went to the door yourself. "I've got it " you shouted as you heard Jackie clean up whatever mess Martin had made hearing a faint "shit on it" before opening the door to reveal your boyfriend Adam.

"Y/N?" He said your name confused on why you was here early you'd forgotten to tell him. "Oh sorry Jackie asked me to come early to help set up, I forgot to tell you" you explained with a smile. "It's alright" he said as he shut the door behind him.

You stood there awkwardly as he took of his shoes and coat. "You okay?" He asked as he noticed your body language. "Um" you said not sure how to say that you're both stood underneath the mistletoe that Jackie had placed earlier this morning.

He looked up slightly and realised the mistletoe. If he decided to kiss you it would be your first kiss as a couple. You hadn't been dating long.

He looks back at you. Grabs your hands pulling you closer to him placing a hand under your chin so your eyes locked. You got lost in them. Adam slowly leaned forward into you, yes he was short but he still towered over you slightly.

Your lips connected. They melted into yours, like it was meant to be. Sparks flying in your stomach. Suddenly you heard a snap from beside you, you pulled apart and noticed Jackie taking a photo of you kissing.

"Mum!" Adam whined to his mother, you giggled as you blushed. "What bobble? It's for the family album!" Jackie said as she walked into the living room.

"Come on, its Christmas" you nudged Adam, taking his hand dragging him to where Jackie had gone.

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