The Attack on The Emishi

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Hey! My newest persona and OC, Hiromi, is a shapeshifting wolf that met Ashitaka while he was traveling and never leaves his side unless ordered to. She's a very young wolf god, earning her the nicknames "Little Sister" from San and the wolves, and "Little One" from Ashitaka. She's a pup when in wolf form, and in human form she's about 9 or 10. She has white wolf ears and a white tail. Her fur is pure white, so she has white hair when she's a human. Her eyes are yellow with silver flecks. She's very perceptive, intelligent, and sensitive. She shares a close bond with Ashitaka, and she also shares a mind and feeling link with him. Due to being a loner before she met Ashitaka, her senses are more developed because she's been alone since birth. If you're wondering how she managed, she learned by watching other wolves secretly. This will all be in third person. Cover doesn't belong to me. Princess Mononoke is property of Studio Ghibli and Hayao Mizayaki. The only things I own are the plot and OC characters like Mila and Saiko. This chappie is for my sis, whose birthday is June 4th!


The call echoed throughout the village as the samurai rushed down upon the Emishi People.  Kaya, their princess, helped an elderly woman onto an elk and slapped its flank, sending it running toward the forest.  

"Kaya!" Kaya turned around as her best friends ran up to her. (A/N: IDK their names so I'm using Mila and Saiko.)

 "Mila, Saiko, what do you need? Quickly!" 

"Where are we going...?" 

Kaya wasted no time, saddling an elk and helping her friends on before hopping on after.

 "Iron Town. They might help us. Now we have to go!" 

The elk ran off to join the rest hiding in the woods, as Kaya steeled herself for what would come. As soon as Kaya appeared, the Emishi spurred the elk and ran off towards Iron Town.


San lay in the clearing where the Forest Spirit's island was. The sounds of the forest had lulled her to sleep. A young man lay beside her, gently scratching the ears of a white wolf pup curled up in his lap, asleep. Ashitaka, former prince of the Emishi, was completely at peace here in the forest. Even though Iron Town was where he lived for the time being, the forest had a sense of tranquility. The other forest gods referred to him and San as the "new gods," and the Forest Spirit had entrusted him with the care of the forest and its inhabitants. 

San was still the Princess Mononoke, and along with that, she was the new wolf god. Her mother,  the old wolf god Moro, had passed down her leadership to San. San had adjusted into her new role like a fish in water. She had grown to know and trust all those in Iron Town,  even though some took a little longer to warm up to. He smiled softly and looked down at his lap. The wolf pup, now awake, looked up at him.

 "Whatcha thinking about?" He rubbed the pup's ears and was rewarded with a soft noise of contentment. 

"Oh, nothing. Don't you worry, Little One."

 "I'd like to remind you that my name is Hiromi." 

"I know, I know. Your name suits you perfectly, you know. You're generous and pretty." 

"Oh, stop it. Do you want to know what I'm thinking about?" 

"Sure, shoot."

 "I feel that something's going to happen soon." 

"We'll be on our guard, ok? Now go back to sleep."

 And so, for the second time that day, the 125-year-old forest goddess fell asleep and Ashitaka was left with his thoughts as he listened to the forest and the sounds of his companions snoring.

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