L'Apprenti Sorcier (The Sorcerer's Apprentice)

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"Interesting..." Twilight thought.

"See, Tavi?" Vinyl said to her friend. "Even writers get their inspiration from somewhere. Sounds like this Paul Dukas guy must've been a real genius to write music that fits a story."

"He sure was," Deems nodded. "Now when you search for the sheet music, they won't have any problem helping you find it."

"That's good to know," Applejack said. "We sure can use all the help we can get."

"Alright," Twilight said. "Let's go!"

She walks toward the songbook; her horn begins to glow, and a beam of magic is shot toward the book. The book glows, opening a portal once again to allow the Equestrians inside. Music notes surround them once more, as thunder clouds cover their vision. As the clouds fade, they find themselves on a floating isle with a few bushes. When they looked ahead, they saw the isle was surrounded by hilltops and empty space and the entire sky filled with stars.

"Are we... In space?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm not sure," Twilight answered. "If we were, we'd see nothing but stars and planets."

"Not to mention we couldn't breathe," Pinkie added.

Yes, I know about the continuity with space. Bear with me.

"The girls are right," Jiminy said, looking around.

"Then... Where are we?" Vinyl asked.

"We must be in another realm like the others," Pinkie observed. "This must be a world far, far away in space. Ooh! Maybe there's a space train that stops here that can bring us to a beautiful town!"

Everypony faced Pinkie in confusion but said nothing of it. They turned back to watch the hilltops and shooting stars in the sky.

"It sure is quite a sight to behold," Rarity said, her eyes glittering.

But not everypony looked ahead. Spike had been looking behind him the whole time, as if something caught his attention.

"Uh, guys?" Spike speaks. "I think you'd better look behind you."

The ponies and cricket turn around, staring with the same reaction as Spike. Lo and behold stood a big tower with six roofs. The biggest roof had stars and a crescent moon on it.

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Whoa!!!!!" Rainbow said, in awe.

"Well, ah'll be!" Applejack said, similarly.

"A tower!" Jiminy said. "This must be where the sorcerer and his apprentice live."

"I guess we're going inside," Octavia assumes.

"Exactly," Twilight nods.

The group approaches the tower till they reached the door with a star and crescent moon like the rooftop.

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