Catch Me If You Can

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Thorns tore at my legs as I stumbled through the underbrush. The shadows seemed to ebb and flow around me, taunting, warning me of my inevitable fate.
I scrambled over a fallen tree, fighting to keep my footing on the mossy forest floor. I knew I could not outrun him. Even now, the absence of pursuing footfalls told me that I was much too slow, it was too late...too late. He would catch me and it would all be over, all my hard work for nothing.

I sensed him behind me before I heard him. 'Don't stop, don't stop, dont sto...' before I could finish the thought, I was thrown to the ground. I twisted just in time, facing my attacker before landing in the brush.
Strong arms pinned my shoulders as I lashed out. Calling on my training I curled my legs up and kicked-pushing us over. Over and over and over we rolled through the dirt; getting my bearings about me I threw a right hook, effectively clipping my assailants jaw. But it wasn't enough, it would never be enough. I was just a human girl (demi-fae technically) and he a seasoned warrior. Despite the immense improvement in my combat skills, the full grown male illyrian would always have the upper hand.
I wasn't going down without a fight however. Cauldron boil me if I let him catch me when I was so close to finishing this.

I was unceremoniously hauled up from the ground, hazel-gold eyes burning into my chocolate ones. Walking me backwards, he released a growl and the shadows -his shadows- flared around us.
I knew that if he wanted to he could kill me here and now. Hell, he could've killed me anytime he wanted in the past 24 hours. This was all for show, to get me to break, to give in.

How could I get out of this? The faebane in my system had significantly dulled my connection to my magic, but.. I did still have my runestone.

It was then that my back hit a wall, no....a tree (convenient right?😉). Great, just great, I was trapped.
"Az..." I breathed out, my mind racing. He was right in front of me now, one arm propped against the tree above my head. He smirked down at me "checkm.." He never got to finish.
It was at that moment that I reached up to push the dark tendrils of his hair away from his eyes.
Falling back on a girl's last resort, I did the only think I could think of, I flirted.
Leaning forward on tip-toe I placed a soft kiss on his cheek. He stiffened as I pulled back, staring intently at my face. "Azriel..." I murmured softly, pulling another growl from him, this one deeper than the last.
Through all of this, he never noticed that my other hand was hurriedly drawing wind runes between us. Finishing the runes quickly, I leaned forward again until we were practically nose to nose.
And then, with my heart in my throat I smirked up at him, "Checkmate."

His eyes widened just before a huge gust of wind slammed into him, throwing him several yards from me.

Then I ran. I didn't get very far however, before the world turned sideways and I was winnowed back to the townhouse. It was over, the 24 hours were up; I had won the game.

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