Chapter Five

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There might be a little twist that comes in this chapter. ;)

I woke up with my head on Mom's chest, her eyes were closed, and she was breathing slowly and on me. I didn't want to wake her up so, just lied there in the pale morning sunshine.

I know that last night I could feel her grabbing me a little closer. I had woken up and I felt her wake up, her breathing heavy, and she felt a little sweaty. Maybe a nightmare. It's once in a blue moon when she has those. I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled.

"Morning, baby bear." she said, awake, and on her side. She glanced over at the clock. "I'm gonna be late!" and almost jumped out.

"Mom, Hetty gave you the day off." I said, not wanting her to remember yesterday. But I knew she would at some point.

"Did you call Hetty?" she asked.

"Maybe." I said, my cheeks blushing. "I didn't know what to do."

"That's okay." she said, hugging me. "I would've done that the same thing." She pulled on her slippers and I got on my raccoon ones. Mom looked a little sad when I bought those. And it probably wasn't because they looked weird.

"What do you want for breakfast?" she asked, going through the cupboards. She was probably going to go for a sugary cereal.

"I could stop by the grocery store if we don't have anything." I said. I just wanted an excuse to get out, but I didn't want to leave Mom all by herself. In case something happens. Because in psychology, we were learning about PTSD and how the person would react to the trauma. I knew Mom probably wasn't traumatized, but after last night, I was a bit shaken up.

"That would be good, honey." she said. "But first, I want to show you something." Mom took my hand and she led me back to the little back deck that is probably our favorite part of the house.

I heard a bark. Was it? I mean, I'd been asking for a dog for sometime after Monty died, but that recently stopped. She put her soft, motherly (if that even makes sense?) hands over my eyes and opened the deck door.

Something furry touched my hand. She took her hands off of my eyes and there was a little French Bulldog. Black, with a huge patch of white fur on his chest and stomach.

"Seriously, Mom?" I laughed, picking up the little guy. "Where did you get him?"

"At a pound. He was just about to get put down and I got him in a nick of time." said Mom. "You can name him." She looked pretty happy with herself.

"Maybe Gilbert." I said, scratching the little dog's head. Mom laughed. "Where did you get that from?"

"I don't know. Just popped into my head." I said. "Is he mine to keep or are we babysitting?"

"He's ours. I felt like we needed someone to keep us some company." replied Mom. She opened the deck door and went inside. I followed her, carrying little Gilbert, who was really soft and felt really comfortable against my chest, his little breath tickling my skin. Why would anyone want to put him down?

Mom opened the little closet that had been locked this week. She pulled a silver key out of her pocket and opened the door. There was Monty's old bed, a big fluffy one. I guess Mom kept after the divorce. She loved Monty a lot too.

Her cellphone started ringing. She took it out and smiled when she saw who was calling, then looked at me. "Can you get all the dog stuff out? I was thinking of having his bed in your room or in the living room." she said, and went to go answer her phone.

I set Gilbert down, but he was still close to me. Poor thing. I got his bed out in my bedroom and got Monty's food and water bowls out of a box. It stings, the memories. I remember that Monty died about a few before they told us they were getting divorced. Double hit for me. More like triple hit for Mom and Dad.

I washed the dust and anything else that might've landed in Monty's bowls out and filled them with dog food and water. While my new canine friend ate, I jumped onto the couch and went onto my phone.

I texted Lexie about the dog, and surprisingly, she answered. I thought she was still grounded. She told me that she gave her mom her old iPod Touch from, like, 4th grade and she still doesn't know. I felt tugging on my socks. I looked down and there he was again.

I put down my phone and went to the counter where Mom had put his collar. I put it on him, and Mom came out of her room smiling.

"You don't have any plans for tonight?" she asked, mischievously.

"No. I was just going to take Gilbert for a walk." I said, setting him down. He ran over to Mom and began licking her toes. Mom laughed and picked him up.

"Good." she said as he licked her face. "I want you to meet someone. I forgot what it was like to have a dog around!" I got Gilbert's leash on him and we went outside.

It was around 12:00 now, when the sun was getting hotter. I wished I brought water. Gilbert was running after everything once we got to the park, pulling me behind. For a little dog, he was pretty strong.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Dad's number was flashing. Along with his profile photo; Jack, him and I at the beach together. It was from a few years ago. I hated the fact that Mom wasn't there. She was at Nell's.

"Hey, Dad." I answered.

"Hey, baby." he said, over the phone. He sounded stressed.

"Dad, what is it?" I asked, while at the same time was trying to stop Gilbert from pulling on his leash. I sat down and patted my thighs. He jumped up, and sat in my lap.

"Delilah-" he cleared his throat.

"What Dad!?" I asked.

"Mandy was bleeding, honey. And we're at the hospital right n-n-ow and-" I knew he began crying, which made me almost cry. Not the baby. Not now. No one needed this right now.

"She's premature. Mandy's still trying to process it, and I'm just-" I began to quiver. I felt that Gil saw how I was feeling. He was still.

'Dad, I'll be right there!" I said, and hung up. I speed dialed Mom.

"Hey-" she started.

But I interrupted, "Mom, I need you to drive me to the hospital!"

"Are you hurt!" she asked, her voice full of concern.

"No, Dad needs me." I said. "I'm at the dog park near the beach. Dad's beach." I heard Mom sigh and swerve. She was probably driving somewhere already.

"Go over to the 2 hour parking zone in front of the food trucks, okay?" she said, again concerned and worried. I ran with Gilbert as fast as we could over to the food trucks. I quickly bought some water from a bacon truck and continued. I saw Mom's car and ran towards it. There she was, wearing a nice shirt with someone else in the front. How could this perfectly good day be ruined by something so tragic?

"Mom, who the hell is this?" I asked, getting into the back.

"I was going to tell you tonight, but you called. What happened?" asked Mom, pulling out. I noticed she did her hair too. Oh no.

"Babe, this is Mark. He's my boyfriend."

Sorry for the long gap! I've been busy. And a review would be greatly appreciated if you care to leave one. :) And we'll see this little reunion some more in the next chapter.

Teaser: Deeks and Kensi will fight a bit.

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