Chapter 1

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Lightning flashed everywhere this place, followed closely by thunder. Usually this meant that there was good news.

The Lightning Prince has been born and by the power felt, the next Holder has been born as well. It was pretty rare that two of the most powerful and important people were being born on the same day. December 19 was certainly going to be a special day in the planet of Corviopolis.

Yes, Planet. This planet has been hidden from Earth and intended to stay that way. They did not like Earth knowing about it's secrets, for the people of Earth had been always been selfish, greedy. However, today was not a day for thinking about Earth. It was a very special day indeed.

The news were blowing up. The people were very excited and they had a good reason to as well.

"DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS. A NEW HOLDER IS ABOUT TO BE ANNOUNCED!!" was pretty much all was said that day. Everyone was celebrating for the birth of the Holder. It wasn't just the people of the Elemental Nation celebrating that day.

The show, "The Elementals" blew up for it potraying the greatness of the Holder. The Lightning King became much more respected now that he has a son, and there were rumours flying everywhere that this day would be sacred.


It was dark outside.

"Well, the future king is looking very beautiful indeed, dear. I am sensing a lot of power from him." The Lightning King was very excited as well. He was a strong, well-built guy who looked like he was in thirty or so years old.

No one could guess how long he had been alive for. In his entire existence, never had he felt so much of power from a baby. The baby has absolutely no training at all and yet this much power? The King thought repeatedly, being amazed

The Queen smiled. She was a beautiful woman, again looking as though was thirty or so years old (she was not) By looking at her, you couldn't guess she was a powerful woman, but she was very powerful.

To describe the couple is quite easy, both of them had jet-black hair with dark-blue eyes, both of them were branded with runes describing their power. It was only that the Queen was more tanned than the King.

"As long he isn't like Roël or even Joanne, I'm happy, dear. I love that he is named Daniel Lucifer as well" the Queen said, thinking this would make her husband more joyful.

At this, the King's smile melted. Should he tell her what he'd heard? He decided he should

"I spoke to Harley yesterday." He started the Queen looked at him, interested, "He sort of said he can feel a lot of danger coming in the Daniel's way. I'm worried if, you know, he might join forces with the Holder and that might make him enemies with other planets. Or he might become more powerful than the Holder.You know how power changes people. Our family members don't want another war with the Holder"

Harley was one of the very few people who'd been gifted with the power of prophecy.

But the Queen wasn't in a worrying mood. She had sired a child after so long. True, she should worry about what Harley said, but she didn't. "Cheer up, if he is that powerful, surely he can control any situation, we should teach him all about how power need to be controlled. After Roël, I believe any child will be better."

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