The Star Gaze Festival/ Dreams Do Come True

Start from the beginning

Your faithful student,

Princess Twilight Sparkle."

(Stop music)

After Twilight finished the letter, she regrouped with the rest of her friends.

"I bet your very proud to be an official conscience now," Spike spoke to Jiminy.

"You bet I am," Jiminy said, proudly.

"Wow! A talking cricket!"

A cute voice startled Jiminy as he looked up. Apple Bloom's friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, looked down to him wide-eyed with wonder.

"Is this the same cricket from your adventure?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yep, that's him," Apple Bloom said.

"Cool!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said, in unison.

"Hello, little ones," Jiminy greeted the fillies. "Cricket's the name, Jiminy Cricket."

"Hello, Jiminy!" Scootaloo said.

"Is it really true you were the conscience of a living puppet?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"That's right," Jiminy nodded. "I'm Pinocchio's conscience and friend."

"Awesome!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I totally want to experience an adventure someday!"

"Me too!" Sweetie Belle agreed.

"Maybe next time we could all travel together," Apple Bloom suggested.

"Even better!" Sweetie Belle said.

Together, the three fillies walked around the festival as they continued to talk about the adventure.

"Pinocchio was so brave," Apple Bloom sighed. "He saved me from the sea."

"Ooh, some pony has a crush on him!" Sweetie Belle teased.

"I do not!" Apple Bloom retorts. "He's just a good friend, like Tender."

"So, who do you like the most?" Scootaloo teased. "Tender or Pinocchio?"

"Very funny, girls," Apple Bloom said, sarcastically. "Very funny."

The three shared a good laugh while the Mane Six, Spike and Jiminy were busy. Suddenly, a few ponies gasp and started bowing, making way for another very special somepony. It was none other than the ruler of daylight: Princess Celestia. The moment Jiminy saw her, he couldn't help but stare.

"My, who's that?" Jiminy asked.

"That's Princess Celestia," Twilight answered. "Luna's sister. She's in charge of the sun."

"Unbelievable! Normally, the sun and moon move by themselves, but here your princesses control them?"

"They usually raise and lower them, but yes."

"How long have they been ruling Equestria?"

"About a thousand years."

Jiminy's eyes went wide when he heard the number, facing Twilight.

"A thousand years?" Jiminy asked. "Celestia and Luna are over a thousand years old?"

"Yep," Twilight answered.

"And so young... They must be immortal!"

"They sure are."

It didn't take long for the white alicorn to pass the other ponies, many saying 'Your Majesty' as she passed by, merging through the crowd toward her favorite group of ponies.

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