ACT 1|Fear the DEAD

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The morning the world ended, [L/N] [Y/N] stayed home. For a sick day. To be more accurate it was a mental health day. Her mother and father bid her goodbye and see you soons that wouldn't happen. Not that they knew it at that moment. Her mother told her if anything were to happen, she could always call. And with that, the two of them walked out of the house. And with that, [Y/N] plopped herself in front of the TV to clear up some of the material hidden within her DVR.

At some point in the day, an emergency broadcast came on the TV warning about some outbreak. Some killing virus. And when it went away, the first thing the girl did was turn the TV to a news station. And her phone rang. Her mother was calling her.

"Mom, what's going on?" the girl asked her.

"Honey, I need you to stay inside. Don't go outside under any circumstances. Lock the doors and windows! Protect yourself!" her mother told her. "Honey, did you hear me? Can you hear me? PROTECT YOUR-AHHH!" the only sounds that came after were the gurgling noises of the undead followed by the sound of splattering blood and ripped flesh with screams of agony.

And with that, [Y/N] dropped her phone. Her mother... she just heard her die. Her father wouldn't be in any other predicament. But she hoped it wouldn't come to that. But with her luck. Her hopes would not be heard. She dialed the only number she knew she had to call before deciding everything. Saya Takagi. But it went straight to voicemail. Well that was over and done with. And then, she heard the bang of a knock on her door.

And by bang, it was a head banging against the door. She looked through the curtains. Someone... undead. She could tell by their lifeless eyes and the blood surrounding their mouth with a hint of flesh and muscle. [Y/N] ran into action, grabbing a bag and throwing some stuff in there. From clothes, granola bars, a water bottle, a phone charger, and a journal with an assortment of pencils and pens. [Y/N] gripped her backpack, slinging it over her back before getting her longbow, her crossbow, and her quiver full of arrows.

She grabbed a book on archery that wa slaying around. She was only bringing it for one essential reason: the chapter on how to make home-made arrows. And with a crash sound coming from downstairs, she knew she had to get out there. And she ran out of her parents weapons room. Only to be met with the face of one of the monsters.

Kohta Hirano and Alice Maresato were walking in the woods when a metal jaw clenched around the young girl's foot forcing a scream of pain out of her mouth. The crackling of leaves signaled to Kohta that someone was moving fast as he tried to calm her down, not knowing what to do in this situation. A man appeared with a shotgun strapped to him on top of a horse. He jumped off out of the saddle and went to free the young girl's leg.

When he did, Alice fell to the ground, but wiggled her foot and toes. Still circulation. "Can you feel your foot?" the man asked the girl.

She nodded. "Yes. It just hurts really bad."

"Okay, it might be somewhat bruised or broken. Sorry about that. You got into one of our biter traps. No one usually comes in this direction. Anyway, I know where we can get it fixed up for you." the man told him.

"And why would we trust you?" asked Hirano who was kneeling by the girl.

"Oh, right. I'm Charli." the man held his hand out to him. Hirano just stared at him. "Right. Well, I have a veteran medic at a farm near the creek. You just take a left at the creek and continue on for about a half a mile and you're there. We can get this little one fixed up for you by then. Is there anyone else in your group?"

"Yeah, there's a few others." Hirano said, still slightly weary of the man who was trying to help them.

"Great. I can go and fix her up and you can go get your group and we can meet you at the Torres family farm."  the man, Charli, told him.

Hirano nodded and ran out of the forest as Charli took Alice in his arms, hopped onto the horse, and galloped to the farm. He jumped off and ran into the house where an older gentleman, an older woman, and two young girls were at.

"Dad, the girl got into one of the traps." Charli told the man.

Even though the situation wasn't as severe as a bullet to the chest or the eye, the girls ran into full gear getting anything that their father might need. The man started to tend to the girl's wound while she pet their dog, an Australian Shepherd, and he talked to her to keep her mind off of the pain she was no doubt feeling. The rest of the girl's group arrived and burst through the door a little while after the doctor started to treat the girl.

"Ah! You must be the little girl's group. Would you like something to eat?" the older woman said.

The two girls were busy playing scrabble on the table and looked over at the group which consisted of three teenage girls, two teenage boys, and one older woman. The group didn't answer. Until the door opened once more to reveal a girl with [H/C] hair wearing overalls carrying one bucket in one hand and a basket in the other with a medium sized pig trailing behind her.

"I'm back, Mrs Torres. The animals have been fed, the cows have been milked, the eggs have been collected, and the sheep have been sheared. The wool is in the upper story of the barn. I thought it would be best to leave it up there until it's needed." the girl said.

She and a pink haired girl pointed at one another. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

Fear the Dead [Takashi Komuro x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now