Chapter 22

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"Milo, wake up," I say, nudging the sleepy boy at the edge of his bed. He slides his cheek along his pillow, tilting his chin blindly towards the sound of my voice. I nudge him once more, this time without speaking, out of fear of waking his roommates. Milo opens his eyes slowly, and in the next instant, jumps out of bed. The time is 4:45am and we've got to leave now if we want to catch Dominique at the airport.

Last night, Milo and I left Dominique's goodbye party at exactly 11pm in preparation for the early morning engagement. I hadn't planned on taking Milo along, but Milo brought up my sleeplessness from the night before and insisted on driving Dustin and me. Looking at Dustin now, disheveled and dressed in last night's attire, I can fully appreciate Milo's gesture. Dustin confirms that he, Natasha, Olivia, and Collin had stayed past 2am inside his cousin's basement, and that although he's awake, we shouldn't presume him to be alert. I, on the other hand, have not slept a wink because I am on full alert.

Traffic is light on the way to the airport and we find our way to Dominique quickly thanks to Annie's covert instructions. The two friends have dressed down completely, wearing snug-fitting tank tops and baggy gray sweatpants. Surprised, Dominique screams at the sight of us, making everyone within earshot jump. "Sorry!" Annie calls out and they carry on their merry way. When all five of us come together in a group hug, I watch Dustin for any weird reaction.

Convincing Dustin to come with me to the airport had been really easy. I just asked and he said yes. Although I find it disconcerting that he had agreed immediately without my having to bring up his strange gift or explain my fear of Dominique's death, I find the concession endearing. Whether it's an attachment to me or Dominique, doing anything for anyone outside of sleeping hours, without requiring an incontrovertible reason to do it, is really kind. With dismay, I suspected that Dustin agreed to my request because his senses have already detected what would happen soon. But when we pulled away from the hug, nothing happened to Dustin.

We unroll the banner and hold it against our bodies for a picture. I hold the corner with the letters "DE" unsteadily, my heart beating against my chest, and smile through my anxiety. Dustin's smile never falters once, but it's not enough for me to trust in the fairness of the universe. I kiss Milo on the cheek unexpectedly, within full view of Annie and Dominique. When Dustin starts laughing, I slap my hand on his mouth and drag him out of the terminal as comically as I can, but not before hearing Annie ask Milo if him and I are dating. Dominique takes her phone from the man whom we've asked to take our picture. She still has two and a half hours before her flight leaves, but I need to ask Dustin my question fast.

"Dustin, did you sense anything strange with Dominique?"

Dustin chokes on his last haha. "What? No."

There's my answer: No. Dominique is going to die in Singapore, but I refuse to believe I'm out of time.

"Dustin, I need to get Dominique off that plane."

Now Dustin frowns. "What? Why?"

"I think something bad's going to happen. Something really bad."

My eyes well up with tears. I had thought of phoning in a bomb threat or buying a ticket on the same plane last night, but in this hazy morning light, I'm losing confidence in my ideas. They're as irresponsible, idiotic, and insane as telling Dominique outright that she is about to die without providing an explanation. If she doesn't question my sanity, she'd bombard me with questions as to the when and how, which I didn't know. I could say I've had a vision, but of what? And wouldn't telling Dominique she's about to die put Doom in danger of expulsion?

"Murr-randa? Miranda, what's wrong?" exclaims Dustin.

"I can't explain it. I- I just need you to trust me and help me get Dominique off that plane. Make her take a later flight or- or leave another day! Please, we need to think of something!"

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