❑ chapter forty-four.

117 12 70


( song of the day :
poppin' - baekhyun )

( song of the day :poppin' - baekhyun )

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Today 1:27 PM

< hey :)

why are you on
your phone? >
isn't your break time
held at 3? >
shouldn't you be
working? >

< jace and chanyeol
are in charge atm
< since seoyeon took an
emergency leave for
< theyre not that strict

still >
where's your
integrity? >

< D:
< i did not ask to be

anyways, what is it? >

< well 👉🏻👈🏻
< so i figured that you
would be the first and
maybe the only person
i would talk to about
this, and its about my
singing. i mightve,,
joined a competition
out of impulse near
our neighborhood and
its on thursday. i cant
say that i regret it bcs
i actually now take
some confidence in
my voice, but idrk
who to bring. my family
is still back in our
province so i cant bring
them. my best friends are
not in seoul too. you
were the first person who
came into my mind since
youd always listen to
how i sing every night
via call and the one
who always compli-
ments me and says my
voice is calming. so,,
will you watch the

that was ... >
long >
and fast >

< i have godlike
typing skills ;)))

yeah, godlike as in you
having the ability to
copy paste >

< who cares about
my typing skills
< will you go?

sure I guess ?? >
I haven't been out
except for work and
food for a while now >
wouldn't hurt to try >

< :O
< omg
< oh my god
< i cant randomly
fuck around w my
performance bcs
< i have to film this
< this is unbeleivable
< is that even the
correct spellung
< i dont even care now
< omg ms jung saerom
is attending
< 😭😭😭😭😭

don't overreact >

< how can i not?
< youre going 😭😭

typing . . .


1:43 PM |


"why are you calling?" kiki asked after answering jungwoo's request to video chat

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"why are you calling?" kiki asked after answering jungwoo's request to video chat. out of self-consciousness, she kept fixing her hair, the screen used as a mirror. "don't we go to the same department after break time?"

"this is the safest way of informal communication since people at our office are malicious as shit when they see us breathe in front of each other," he replied. "let's take this as our virtual lunch so we don't eat alone! we're safe, because i'm pretty sure the networkly dispatch wouldn't hack our phones and search through our call history."


jungwoo indicated for her to not continue the remark anymore by raising his palm. "kiki, no. just no. no negativity for today. anyways, what are you eating?"

"bubble tea."

"only ?! for lunch ?!" jungwoo exclaimed, his brow furrowing in utter shock.

she gently rested her chin on her palm. "yeah, it's enough to make me full for now."

"oh no no no, that's too light for a meal. here have my sandwich." the boy put his subway sandwich closer to the camera to virtually feed her.

kiki decided to play along, acting like she was repeatedly chewing after taking a imaginary bite.

both of them laughed, forgetting everything that almost led to the downfall of their friendship.


johnny perked up once the door to his hospital room was opened, since he expected seoyeon to come in with the drinks, but was only given disappointment upon seeing networkly's executive director, han seongsu. he couldn't help but show his distaste for him in his current expression.

"why are you here?" he asked bluntly, slowly shifting to sit up. his casted arm was currently in a state of neutrality.

the senior then plopped himself on the chair next to his medical bed, fixing his glasses afterwards. "i heard you're getting discharged tomorrow."


seongsu looked at johnny oddly. creepy, even. his eyes had this unusual glint that signalled somewhat an erratic danger. he couldn't explain the vibe he was radiating.

the silence was comparable to one during the moments before an execution. it nonchalantly sent chills down johnny's spine.

"mr. han?" a sweet voice thankfully interrupted the stillness of the current scenario. she held two cups of coffee in her hands as she entered.

"seoyeon uhhh . . hi! i just━ i just wanted to check up on our employee because y'know, their wellbeing comes first, am i right?" the man said quickly, his tone having a tinge of sudden panic. "i'll get going. have a nice day!"

without even letting them react, he walked towards the door right after that statement.

he's weird, johnny mouthed towards seoyeon as the man exited the room with awkwardness.


♤ gabrielle's note

happy hyuck day 🥺

(aka my other nct main hoe)

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