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Sorry For Mistakes 😘

"Wild n'!! Wild n'!! Wild n'!!"

I was at the Wild n' Out show... Its fucking lit here!! Me and my friends are having so much fun right now.

Jenna: Kylie, who's you're favorite?

Kylie: I like Hitman. He's sexy asf🤤

Jenna: Conceited is my favorite. He's so cute... Like I can just lick his whole body up and down like ughhh. The things I would do to him.

Me and Kylie looked at Jenna then looked at each other and cracked up laughing.

Jenna: Whats funny?! I'm serious! Well Leaia, who do you like?

Me: Why?

Them: We told you ours!

Me: Here y'all go two go with that BS again. Y'all can never let me live.

Jenna: Well, who is it?

Kylie: Is it DC?

I shook my head.

Jenna: Is it Karlous?

I shook my head.

Them: Damn, who is it then???

Me: Ema—

Kylie: You like Emmanuel? *Laughs*

Me: Why you laughing at me? I never laughed at you when you told me your crush.

Kylie: Damn my fault, It's just that he's...

Me: Don't even say he's ugly. He is fine.

Kylie: Whatever.

The show was over and we were going backstage. We won backstage passes and a cruise with the cast.

We were fangirling when we saw the cast members. Jenna ran toward Conceited and Kylie ran toward Hitman and I laughed at them and went to get something to drink. Then I felt someone's presence beside me.

??: Hey.

I looked over and saw that it was Emmanuel. He smiled a small smile at me and I blushed hella hard. I been in love with him since the vine days.

Me: Uhhh, hi. *laughs nervously*

Emmanuel: I guess you know who I am. *chuckles*

Me: Yeah, It's nice to meet you though.

I stuck my hand out and he shook it, staring into my eyes. I smiled and looked down as he started a conversation with me.

Eman: So whats your name?

Me: I'm Leaia.

Eman: Leaia, huh? That's a cute name. I don't meet a lot of Leaia's. 

Me: Thanks.

We talked for a long time, with him making me laugh and me making him laugh a couple of times. We got along really well. It felt like we knew each other forever. Eventually, he took me to his dressing room and we talked more in there. He said he wanted to get away from everyone. I don't really blame him.

It was quiet for a few minutes and we would just look at each other and look away nervously.

"You're cute," He suddenly says, making me jump a little since it was so quiet. He chuckled. I looked at him and blushed again.

"Thanks," I finally said.

"No problem. what do you wanna talk about?"

"I don't really know—" I said.

"That's fine. I'll just sit here with you then." He winked at me. It was small, like almost unnoticeable, you know how he is.☺️ (If you really pay attention to him sometimes he just nonchalant about a lot of stuff.) Anyway, We sat down on the sofa in his dressing room and just talked randomly.

"I just noticed... I got a picture with everyone but you today, do you mind if we take a picture?" I asked being brave.

"Yeah, no problem," He said holding up what I thought was his phone taking pictures. It was when I was searching for my phone I realized that he was using it to take pictures. He took a LOT too .😂 They were cute though.

Would y'all let him do that to your phone?🥰

Then he laughed at my face (😒) and gave me back my phone. Then he took it back and put his number in it and I just froze. He put his number in my phone. Then he gave it back and smiled at me. He started to move closer to me and put his arm around me scooting me over towards him and laid his head on my shoulder. He gave me a small kiss on my neck and it got me all hot and bothered. I tilted my head a little bit and he started licking and sucking my neck, giving me three hickeys. They felt sooo good. I was laughing and moaning at the same time. He chuckled with his lips against my neck and it made me giggle (and a little horny if I'm being honest.) Then he placed another small kiss on my neck and stood up. He took my hand and help me up, taking me back into the building.
"Leaia, even though I just met you, I feel like I've known you for a long time. You kinda make me nervous if I'm telling the truth, and I wanna treat you like a queen, so can we try something together please? I wanna learn about you and get to know you as a person. I wanna understand you and make you feel special. Yeah, I like you." Everyone laughed. I laughed too, almost forgetting that everyone was there. Then I heard DC yell, "Yeah! Get ha, Eman!!" He tried to give DC the death glare but ended up laughing instead.

"Of course I would love to give you a chance. I like you too and I wanna understand you more as a person because I liked you since the vine days." I laughed and facepalmed myself. He smiled at me and hugged me tight around my waist, making me giggle while he kissed me on my cheek then planting a small peck on my lips.

•* I know I know, this was corny but I wanted to make one with Eman because he is so underrated to me to be honest. He don't get enough love in my opinion. But I'm here to show that he gets a lot of love from me🥰😘❤️💕

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