Bokuto Koutarou x reader (Eye Color AU)

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Authors note: in this AU, your right eye is your eye color, and your left eye is your soulmates eye color. It's basically like having heterochromia but once you make eye contact with your soulmate, your left eye changes to your color.

(Y/n)'s pov
I was born with a (eye color) and a golden eye. For a while now, everyone's been finding their soulmates, everyone but me.

"Oh, honey. You'll find your soulmate soon," my mom would say with a warm smile.

I'm a third year in Nekoma. I'm also the manager of the Nekoma boys volleyball team.

"We will be going to the training camp tomorrow, so everyone needs to be here by 5 in the morning, no later," the coach said.

We all nodded and he dismissed us.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Kuroo yelled for me.

I looked over at him.

"Bokuto is going to be at the training camp," he said.

I gave him a confusef look.

"Remember? He's the one that I told you that shares the same eye color as your dominate eye color," he said.

I thought about it for a minute.


"You know, I actually have a friend that shares the same color that you have in your right eye. He goes to Fukurodani and his name is Bokuto."

*end of flashback*

I nodded. "Maybe he's my soulmate."

Kuroo shrugged and slowly started walking. "He could be."

I followed him.

We walked to the gate.

"Welp, I'll see you tomorrow," Kuroo said waving at me.

I waved back and started walking in the opposite direction of him.

Once I got home, I quickly packed my bag for the training camp, and went to bed.

*the next day*

I woke up to my alarm blarring loudly.

I sighed and rolled out of bed. I walked into the bathroom across the hall and brushed my teeth.

I walked back into my room, carrying my tooth brush and toothpaste, putting them in my bag, and got changed into my volleyball sweats and jacket.

I went to my desk, grabbed my brush, then walked to my mirror and brushed my hair. I put my brush in my bag. I grabbed my phone charger and put it in my bag. I looked around my room pne last time, making sure I had everything.

I took one more look at myself in my mirror, then headed downstairs.

I put 2 slices of bread in the toaster. Once they were done, I put butter on them and left the house.

Kuroo waited outside the gates for me with Kenma playing his system next to him.

We all walked to the bus together.

"Okay, everyone's here, so we'll be heading off now," the coach said.

The bus doors closed and we began our trip to the training camp. Mostly everyone, including myself, fell asleep, but could you blame us?

Once we got there, the coach spoke, waking everyone up.

"We're here," he said.

Everyone got up and got off the bus. We grabbed our bags and waited for orders. I held the water bottles.

"Here, let me hold that for you," a voice came from behind me.

I jumped a little. I quickly turned and was greeted by an owl like guy.

His left eye was (eye color) and his right was golden.

"S-sure," I said handing him the water bottles.

He smiled.

"T-thanks," I said watching his left eye turn golden.

I furrowed my brows.

"Is there something on my face?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Just curious, what color is your left eye?" I asked.

"Why it's-..... Wait, what happened to your golden eye?" He asked.

I got into my bag and pulled out a pocket mirror. I looked at my left eye, then looked at the guy in front of me.

"Y-you're my soulmate," I said.

"I see you met Bokuto, (Y/n)," Kuroo said.

We looked at him.

"Wait, was I actually right? You two are soulmates?" Kuroo asked.

We nodded slowly.


"Hey, hey, hey, (Y/n)," Bokuto yelled running up to me.

I smiled at him.

"Sorry I'm late, practice went a little longer than expected," he said scratching the back of his neck.

I smiled more. "No you're fine. I figured thats what happened."

He kissed my forehead. "Thanks for being so understanding."

He grabbed my hand and we walked into the restaurant.

As much of a dork he is, I sure do love him to death.

Requested by Booped_Ur_Snoot

This one was honestly fun to write. And if you guy like the bonus I've added at the end" let me know because I thought the bonus was fun to write, even though its not extremely long.

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