Pt 13- We good?

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Avery: Okay? Well let's start talking about you know.


Mattia: Oh yea right... Well I'm freshman year when we were all a group I told Joshua I had feelings for you-
Avery: So you had feelings or have?
Mattia: Oh uh I had feelings for you..

I lied. But Avery seemed to believe me.

Avery: Okay continue.
Mattia: Okay so then Joshua started flirting with you and you guys started talking and shit. The you guys started dating but you know, turns out it was a dare-

I could see Avery's face turn gentle and upset. I know that she hasn't talked about Joshua in a long time because you could see her hurt. She put her head low and tears started forming. I stopped talking and let her have her moment.

Mattia: I'm sorry Av-
Avery: It's okay. He was in the past. *sighs* I was so fucking Naive.
Mattia: No Avery you weren't, you were in love with him. He was stupid and naive to let you go.

Small tears were flowing down her cheeks. She wiped them away while she talked.

Avery: It's whatever. Keep going.
Mattia: Ok. Well I guess it hurt me, you guys being together so I left. I know it's stupid but I was a stupid freshman. I ended up meeting Alejandro and he introduced me to Robert, Roshuan, and Alvaro. Alejandro was the one who brought my to my feet and I guess he gave me a reason to be cold to you and your new friend group.

I finished explaining and tbh it felt good taking everything off my chest. She just looked at me, With her soft eyes but I could tell he understood.

Avery: Thank you for talking to me about it
Mattia: No problem. Are we good?
Avery: Yes we are good. And yes I do forgive you.
Mattia: Thanks dude
Avery: mhm. I should probably go now, my mom texted me.
Mattia: Yea of course. Uh see ya around ig
Avery: Yup goodbye.
Mattia: Bye

She leaned in for a hug and then grabbed her stuff and walked back to her car. *Ding*

Come over?😚
What we gon do?
You know...
Wdym idk?
I don't really wanna do anything today
Come on
See ya😉
Seen 6:47 pm

I head to my car and drive over to Nicholes house. I started hanging out with her last week and ig you could say we have gotten really close. Physically too. The thing is she is not the one on my mind. It's Avery. I can't explain how happy I am that I finally got to talk to her. Everything about her makes me crazy. Even if we just started talking today but I got to see more of her features. She has pretty hazel eyes with small freckles and dimples that are clear when she smiles.

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