"Oh, actually, I— I thought we could go just us two." Hope stammers. "Sorry, What was that?" He asks, looking up from his phone. "Uh, we'll be right back, Joey." May sends him a smile, then pulls Hope away.

"What was that?" May whispers. "I know! It went great." She smiles. "No, it did not go great! He's such an asshole." May shakes her head.

Hope sighs, looking off to the side. "Here, wanna just go hang out with Jacob? He seems lonely." May points over at the boy who sits on one of the chairs, scrolling through his phone.

"Yeah, good idea." Hope grins, following the girl. Upon arriving, May sits on the arm of the chair, looking over at Jacob.

"Oh, Hey." He greets. "Hi." She squints her eyes at him. "Drinks, anyone?" Someone offers, causing them to turn around.

"Joey, how nice of you." Hope smiles, glancing at May, who shrugs, taking one of the drinks off the tray, also handing one to Jacob. "No alcohol in this, right?" She asks.

"Oh. No." He shakes his head. "Oh! And Hope. I got distracted back there. We can go rafting tomorrow. Without Ezra." He says, smirking.

"Cool, cool." Hope lightly laughs. "I haven't ever actually rafted before, but I'm sure I can get the hang of it." Joey adds.

"Oh, yeah. Hope can teach you. Right, Hope?" May says confidently. "She's a pro."

"Yeah, I'd be glad to." Hope nods.

The party had been going on for about half an hour more, May, Hope, and Jacob were having the time of their lives.

May had began to feel a little dizzy at some point, but she assumed it was just from exhaustion. "Oh, shit." Jacob realizes. "What is it?" May asks.

"I lost the bracelet, Uh. Oh I think I know where I left it. Just wait here, okay?" He smiles to her. "Sure." She nods.

After taking another sip of her drink, it had hit her that something was wrong. Her vision was blurring, and her palms had began to sweat.

"Hey, May." She could hear someone say behind her, though it sounded like she was underwater. "How about I help you out? You don't look too good." He offers with a smile, taking her hand and lifting her up.

Confused, she feels herself being pulled away, not being able to resist. "What are you.. what are you doing?" She stumbles over her words.

"I'm helping you." He says. "Hey, May. I found the brace—" Jacob pauses when he sees her being dragged away. "Hey!" He calls out, running after her, taking out his phone.

"Let her go or I call the police!" He shouts, causing the boy to stop. May shuts her eyes slightly, only hearing what seems to be distant yelling.

Soon enough, she feels herself fall onto the sand. "May. May, what happened?" Jacob asks, crouching beside her.

"Okay, I'm taking you back to the room." He helps her up, wrapping her arm around his shoulder. "Jake?" May asks softly. "I'm here." He assures.


May lies down on the bed back at the hotel, asleep, while Jacob sits at the edge of it, watching TV.

Soon enough, Laurie walks in, Andy by her side. "Hi." She smiles. "I thought you were gonna text us before you left."

"Yeah. Sorry, I forgot." Jacob sighs. "And May forgot, too?" Laurie raises her eyebrows, looking down at the sleeping girl.

"Yeah. She got, Uh, tired. So, we left." He lies. "You guys at least have fun at the party?" Laurie chuckles.

"Hope was more into than we were." Jacob shrugs. "How was dinner?" He inquires. "It was really nice." Andy responds.

"Didn't you have your white shirt on?" Laurie questions. "I left it at the beach by accident." He explains. "You guys didn't wanna hang out downstairs, watch the fireworks?" Andy furrows his eyebrows.

"No. Hope stayed actually." Jacob shakes his head. "At the beach? Her parents were okay with that?" Laurie turns to look at Andy, who shrugs.

"I guess. She said she'd text them." Jacob replies. "Anyways, I just don't like parties with drunk idiots and shitty music, that's all." He adds.

"Well, were gonna watch the ball drop in our room. You wanna join us?" Laurie offers. "It's okay. I'm good."

"Alright. Happy New Year, sweetheart." Laurie walks over to Jacob, giving him a kiss on the side of his head. "Happy New Year, pal." Andy smiles

"She's tired out, Dad." Jacob cuts him off. "Okay, Goodnight." He nods.

Suddenly, Jacob hears May shuffling around behind him. Her eyes slowly open, her mind fogged.

"Hey, you alright?" Jacob asks, getting up and sitting beside her. "It's almost 12, you should still be sleeping." He whispers.

"What happened?" She yawns, leaning into his side. "My head hurts."

"Some guy put something in your drink at the party. Nothing happened, though. Not after I came." He assures.

Suddenly, they could hear fireworks outside, and cheering. "Happy New Year." Jacob smiles down at her. May leans up for a moment, pressing her lips against his, then leaning back down.

"That took way too much effort then it needed to." She lightly chuckles. Jacob shakes his head in amusement. "You know I won't leave you alone for the whole rest of then trip now, right?" Jacob states.

"It's okay. I like being around you anyways." She comments, burying her face in her pillow. "You gonna sleep again?"
Jacob asks softly.

She hums in response. "Okay. I'll go brush my teeth and do the same. Night." He nods. "Night."

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