
Meadow woke up calm and serene. She got out of bed and stretched her muscles. Satisfying pops rang throughout the room and she groaned in satisfaction. She shook out her body and dressed in a pair of shorts and a plain shirt. She walked to the bathroom to do her business before she went to the kitchen. She got out a pan and cracked four eggs in it. She popped four pieces of bread in the toaster and stood by the stove to watch over the eggs.

Billy rolled into the room with a smile on his face. When he saw the tranquil look upon Meadow's face, his smile fell, and a serious expression overtook his features. He tried making coffee, but Meadow waved him off and started a pot for him. He stared at her with a knowing look and remained quiet until his coffee was done. By that time, Meadow was already seated at the table and eating her breakfast. Billy grabbed the mug Meadow left for him on the counter and poured himself a cup of black coffee. He took a sip and allowed the bitter liquid to coat his throat before he addressed her.

"Remember what you're fighting for. The rest shall come after," Billy told her. Meadow finished eating and placed her plate and fork in the sink. She drank a cup of apple juice and left the house. She took off at a run and phased mid-run. She shook out her fur and searched for the minds she knew were linked to hers. She made sure to keep her mind closed-off and raced through the trees. She heard Seth, she heard, Embry, she heard Jacob, but, most of all, she heard Sam. She tuned into his mind and recognized his surroundings.

She wasn't in a hurry to get to him, though. She knew all of it would be over soon. There was no need to rush. Two minutes later, Sam came into view. He was running his usual patrol route and his back was facing her. Meadow was steadfast in her decision and quickly opened her mind link to the rest of the pack.

Sam, she said strongly. Startled, Sam turned around and got in a defensive position. He growled and bared his clenched teeth at her, telling her to back off. She stood her ground and stared evenly into his eyes.

Leave, now! Sam growled out in a deafening tone.

I won't, Meadow said. Your tyranny has run its course for far too long.

What are you going to do about it? Sam asked menacingly. Meadow howled loudly to gain the attention of all the pack members. Jared, Leah, Paul, and Quil phased in and immediately began asking questions. There were two more shimmers in her mind. They were hesitant and unsure, leading her to believe they belonged to Brady and Collin.

I, Meadow Black, challenge you, Sam Uley, for the Alpha position, for my birthright, and for the benefit of the pack, Meadow announced clearly and steadily. The pack howled and shouted in excitement and encouragement. Her eyes shone with determination and confidence, causing Sam to falter for a second before composing himself.

I accept your challenge, Sam said, because you're just going to lose like the first time.

Meadow ignored his comment and replied with, Let's fight in the field we fought the newborns.

You sure that's a good idea? Sam asked rudely.

It'll give us enough room to fight and enough room for the pack to observe, she said. Then she turned and made her way to the field. She shut off her link to the pack and focused on running. She knew the pack was excited for a change in leadership, but she also knew they were scared for her. They didn't want a repeat of what happened during the newborn battle. Their feelings were valid, but she didn't want any doubt to linger in her mind.

She didn't doubt herself.

A nudge on her left distracted her from her thoughts. She narrowed her eyes, knowing exactly who had nudged her, and let out a huff of warning. She was nudged again, this time harder than before. She rolled her eyes and looked at Paul. He was asking her a question with his eyes. She nodded her head and kept running.

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