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Even though it started off pretty bumpy, and I'm not just talking about the car ride, the three of us began to talk just like we use to. It eventually turned into both me and Adam criticising Jonnys driving.

"For someone who's obsessed with formula one racing, you're pretty shit at driving" Adam adds while getting out the car. As Jonny tries to lock the car, the alarm starts, which only proves our point further.
"It isn't really the best car," I tell him and Jonny glares at me.

"Fine well next time you can drive!"
"Fine and you can learn from the master,"
"Master knob face," Jonny adds
I roll my eyes but then pause.

"You alright?" Adam asks
"This would normally be the time when people tell you it will be fine, but considering it's our family it probably won't be," I feel Jonnys hand gently rest on my shoulder in non reassurance.
"I was more concerned that your front door is open," I tell them.

The three of us make our way over and Adam gently pushes it open to reveal a dog. A bit anticlimactic but cute nonetheless.

Suddenly a man walks out from underneath the staircase. I flinched slightly, not even remembering there was a room there. By the looks on the boys faces they're slightly concerned but not really surprised.
"Hello!" The man says, in quite an friendly way I might add,
"Hi Jim." The boys say in sync.
"Jonny?" He directs this at Adam
"No I'm Adam," he corrects
"I'm Jonny,"
Jim nods slightly and then his eyes land on me.
"And who is this female?" It comes out as more of a stutter this time.
"Rayne Maxwell, nice to meet you," I say with a smile.
"Rain? Is it raining?" Jim asks.

I pause, not entirely sure how to answer so I just shake my head and glance at Adam, who just shrugs. Jim then noticed the dog behind him and flinches. Adam attempted to find out why Jim was in their home but decided to drop the matter.

Jim once again looks at the dog. "Come on Wilson," he makes a few attempts to grab the dog's leash before Wilson takes off, pulling Jim with him. However I manage to pat the dogs head as it runs out causing me to smile.
"Well that was-"
"Weird?" Jonny cuts me off
"I was going to say interesting, but yeah that to."

While the boys greet their mum, I stand awkwardly behind them. "What time is Rayne getting here?" Jackie asked them. I'm pretty sure standing behind Jonny has meant she can't see me at all. I guess I'm not surprised, he has grown much taller since I last saw him.
"Um mum, she's right here," Adam gently takes my arm and pulls me into view.
"Oh sorry sweetie, I had no idea," Jackie laughs and pulls me into a hug.
"It's wonderful to see you again darling, gosh you've grown so much." Jackie smiles once again,
"Good to see you again as well."

"So what are you doing in the garage?" Jonny questions
"We're having a clear out." Jackie informs us "Martin, you do know the boys and Rayne are here?"
Martin appears from behind a pile of papers and he's shirtless.
"Hello bambinos!"
"No shirt?" Jonny asks
"It's boiling," Jackie answers but a second later Martin repeats her. I guess Martins hearing aid isn't on at the moment.

"Does anyone else want to know why Jim was in our loo?" Adam interrupts.
"His is broken," Jackie tells us like it was the most obvious reason.
"Broken?" I can't help but ask, like how do you break a toilet.

Jackie becomes defensive asking us what she could have done when Jim was so desperate to use the bathroom.
"Say no?" Adam points out
"Use a bucket?"
"There's always his garden?" I add, which earns a grin from Jonny.
Soon after, Jackie and Martin are arguing over old magazines. He shows us a poster of Issac Newton which I must admit is kinda cool. After being stood in the garage for maybe 10 minutes we all move into the kitchen.

I watch as Martin picks something out of the bin and starts eating it and unfortunately this isn't the first time I've seen him do that. I was around 15 when I last came to the Goodmans for dinner and by the looks of it they haven't changed a bit.

Jackie is still rushing around with vegetables in a tray whilst telling Martin about a Sofabed.
"Yeah I'll do it later,"
"When do you need it?" I ask Martin
"Tomorrow, Saturday, that's when the man's coming."
"The man?" Adam queries from the counter top
"The sofabed man," Jackie says, she then scolds Martin for eating out of the bin.

Adam moves out of the way of Jackie and joins me on the right. "So is it everything you imagined?" He asks me.
"I think so? I'm not entirely sure," It comes out as more of a question then a statement.
I focus back onto Jackies conversation about MasterChef.
"That's the one with the Greek guy isn't it?" I ask aloud. Jackie gives me the biggest grin
"Such a smashing Greek bloke and he's in the final,"
Adam looks at me,
"What? My friend watches it,"
He fake gasps "You have other friends?" I hit him on the arm lightly but we both laugh.

My eyes fall onto Jonny, who has reached for a can of whipped cream in the fridge and is now spraying it into his mouth. We make eye contact and he gets off the counter and walks over to me and Adam.
"Want some?"
"Sure," I mean it's only cream, not very fulfilling so I'll still be able to eat later. However I though he might of handed me the can, instead he's just aiming it at my mouth.

It's slightly awkward but I accept and open my mouth slightly. I process the fact that Jonnys spraying cream into my mouth and it causes me to blush. Even after he moved the can away.

He doesn't seem to notice though as he starts putting whipped cream on the bread Adam was eating.
"Please watch MasterChef with me it's the final!" Jackie pleads the boys.
"No way," Both boys look so disgusted you would think she asked them to help dispose of a body.
"Martin tell them!" Jackie says.
Martin didn't try very hard to convince the boys but he did lean in between me and Jonny to take the piece of bread with cream on it. I am curious as to how it tastes but I don't think I'll try it. Not now anyway.

"Will you watch it with me Rayne?" Jackie turns to me,
"Uh..I guess," I haven't really watched any other episodes but I suppose it's not to late to start now.
"How I wish you were my daughter," Jackie sighs, which makes me smile brightly.
"Mum!" Both boys complain from beside me. Jackie rolls her eyes at her family
"Come on pigs," she calls as she leaves the kitchen "And Rayne."

𝐹𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊  //Friday Night Dinner\\Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang