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The Sauna Test part 1_____________________________

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The Sauna Test part 1

Last night Jessica, Robin, Steve and Dustin went onto the roof of the mall to find out what was being delivered and why there was a code for all of it. They found out that huge guards were carrying massive guns in front of the secret room.

Stupidly, Dustin and Steve were fighting over who got to look out of the binoculars and ended up alerting the guards of their position. Once they escaped, the group decided that Dustin would look tomorrow to see if it was guarded during the day.

Even though the code said that everything would happen when blue meets yellow in the west, they wanted to make sure in case they had an opening.

"That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately, the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it." Dustin paced as he explained what he figured out on the rooftop.

"But there's gotta be a way in," Robin argued.

"Yeah, genius but you need a keycard." Jessica's head was resting on the table as she spoke.

"What's up with you?" Robin's eyebrows furrowed as her friend was usually snippy, but this was unlike her.

"Postpartum depression." Jessica raised her right hand and pointed at her head while lifting it, "Can't sleep." Jessica gave Robin a tired smile.

"Well, you know I could just take him out," Steve suggested while leaning forward.

"Take who out?" Robin questioned thinking that he couldn't mean the huge Russian guard with a gun.

"The Russian guard." Steve calmly stated.

"Hmm, I never would've made the pair, but I hope you two are very happy together. What are you thinking, dinner and a movie?" Jessica lazily shifted her head to look at Steve.

"Oh, ha, ha." Steve sarcastically laughed, "No. I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy."

At some point, while he was talking, Steve had lifted his left leg up on top of his chair and propped his arm on it.

Jessica hadn't gotten any sleep the night before and went against better judgement mumbling, "You look hot like that."

Steve's head whipped around to look at Jessica with his eyes wide in confusion.

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin ignored what Jessica was incoherently mumbling.

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