Start from the beginning


After Jessica dropped off her milk for the babies and got to hold them for a little while, she made her way back to her apartment to pick up some money for the full day ahead. Right as she was walking out the door, Max and El walked in.

"What are you girls doing here?" Jessica curiously asked as they knew she was going to Scoops Ahoy.

"When was the last time Billy was home?" Max asked as they walked towards his room.

"He could've come back after his lifeguarding shift, but he was for sure here right before that. Why, what's going on?" Jessica followed closely behind the girls.

"I think the girl I saw is in trouble, she was screaming," El told Jessica before they went into his room.

"Okay, but that's normal. They could've been happy screams." Jessica explained to the middle-schooler.

"What's a happy scream?" El was getting frustrated as Max had denied her of the information a minute earlier.

"Why do I get the feeling we're gonna find all kinds of wrong in here?"Max quietly asked as she inched her way into the teenage boy's room.

A heavy metal song played quietly in the background of his room and beer cans littered the floor. Jessica went straight to the stereo and turned off the music while Max went to his bedside table.

"Ugh, gag me with a spoon," Max exclaimed as she quickly shut his drawer after seeing his magazines.

"Okay, well you ladies have fun. I'm going to go save Robin at work. Make sure to lock the door before you go." Jessica left the girls in Billy's room and made her way out the door.

The whole way in the car ride to Scoops, Jessica was stuck thinking about where Billy was and what he was doing that made El want to search his room.

All of those thoughts disappeared though as she continued her walk to Scoops Ahoy and spotted Steve and Dustin squatted behind plants with binoculars. As she snuck up behind them, she soon could hear what they were talking about.

"I don't get why you're looking at girls anyways. You have the perfect one in front of you." Dustin huffed in annoyance as he looked through the lens.

"Seriously, if you say Jessica again-" Steve shook his head, tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.


"No, don't. No."

"Jessica, Jessica, Jessica."

"No, no, no, stop, no."






"No, man, she's not my type. She's not even in the ballpark of what my type is, alright? Wait, did you say Robin last?" Steve was confused as to why his friend decided that she would be better.

𝚄𝙽𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙳  𝙱𝚄𝚃  𝙽𝙴𝙴𝙳𝙴𝙳  -  𝚂.𝙷 - INCOMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now