Marigold's gaze turned away from the window onto the tall Gryffindor nearing her, "I've been looking for you everywhere!" She grinned.

Angelina was just as beautiful as the last time Marigold saw her. Perhaps more. She was pulled into a tight hug, her chin resting on Angelina's shoulder.

She chuckled and squeezed her back tightly, "I missed you, Ang."

Angelina smiled and pulled away to look into Marigold's eyes. "I missed you more."

All at once, her best friend's face smiling down at her made Marigold feel nauseatingly guilty. She'd barely written her all summer and they didn't go visit Angelina's grandparents' house by the coast like they were supposed to.

"I'm sorry, Ang." She said solemnly, "I know I should have written more."

Angelina found it hard not to look at her with sympathy, Marigold always hated that. She shook her head, "I get it, it's okay."

Marigold nodded, shrugging it off before she could think too much about him. "Have you guys gotten a compartment?"

Angelina straightened up, "Yeah, we've been looking up and down for you. Grab Spider, I'll get the broom."

Marigold struggled to keep her balance between dodging first years and lugging her trunk down the narrow passage as she followed Angelina. After what felt like forever, Angelina slid open the door to a compartment.

"They're called probiotics, you want one?" Elin's voice carried from inside the compartment and Marigold couldn't help the broad grin that crossed her face.

"Look who I found hanging by the back of the train."

Marigold stepped into the doorway after Angelina, dropping her trunk as Elin came hurtling towards her. She was greeted by a tight hug and a chorus of "hey!".

Elin squeezed out the last puffs of air in Marigold's lungs and she laughed.

"Ey," Diego poked Elin's shoulder gently, "Leave some of her for the rest of us."

Elin let go of Marigold, who could finally get a look at the faces she hadn't seen in almost three months.

Diego pulled her into his broad chest. "A whole two months and you haven't grown a single centimeter taller, Goldie."

She laughed and shoved him, "Says the one who tried to cook a growth potion with half the ingredients."

"Hey, hey! That was second year, no need to air dirty laundry."

Winslow got up from his place on the seat, "Diego, shut up."

Marigold smiled up at him, "Hey Win."

He looked down at her and hugged her too, "Hey Goldie."

Winslow caught site of Spider's carrier on the floor beside her, "There's my favourite lad!" He said before sweeping the cat-carrier off the floor, bringing it to eye level. Spider's tail swished happily against the inside of the carrier.

Marigold huffed before falling into the seat besides Elin, "You'd swear he's happier to see the cat then he is to see one of his best mates."

Elin shrugged, adjusting the way she was sitting. "You know, the number of deaths due to cat allergies have gone up by 5% in the last year."

Angelina rolled her eyes, "None of us are allergic to cats, Elin."

"You never know! Sometimes allergies can develop. That's why I take one of these every day." Elin pulled out a clear tube, among the many, from inside her bag, and flashed it for them to see. Elin's mum was a Muggle, a doctor by profession. She had Elin on so many pills, it was hard to tell if Elin was ever completely sober.

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