The Monstrous Whale/The Evil Trio

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"Monstro isn't friendly at all," Jiminy said. "I assure you."

"Focus girls," Twilight said. "That whale could be anywhere."

"Father!" Pinocchio called.

But suddenly, something swam toward them. But it turns out to be another type of fish: Tuna.

"Hey, look!" Fluttershy points. "Tuna!"

"Whoa, that's some big fish," Pinkie said.

Before long, another tuna appeared.

"Look another!" Spike pointed.

But then, a whole school swam toward them.

"Whoa, there's even more coming this way," Twilight said. "There must be thousands of them."

"It looks like... They're swimming away from something," Rainbow observed.

Suddenly, the entire shoal swam over their heads. Every pony kept looking at the fish.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Pinocchio called out. "Ha-Have you seen—"

While Pinocchio tried to ask, turns out Spike wasn't looking at the fish but straight forward. He quivered in fear, his eyes small as pinpricks.

"M-M-M-Mo-M-M-Mo-M-M-Mon-Mon-Mon-M-Mon-" Spike stuttered.

"Spike?" Twilight approached. "What are you stuttering abou...?"

Twilight suddenly looked straight forward, with the same reaction as Spike.

"M-M-Mo-Mo-M-M-M-Mon-" They stuttered, simultaneously.

Rainbow looked forward, her eyes becoming small as pinpricks.

"Oh, I so hate myself right now."

WHAM!!! Every pony quickly turned toward Twilight and Spike's direction. That's when they saw a big whale crashing through a big rock, pursuing the tuna. Worst of all, it came straight toward them.

"MONSTRO!" They all screamed.

"RUN! Uh, I mean, SWIM!" Spike shouted.

They began to swim away, including Pinocchio. But suddenly, the rock tied to his tail got stuck in another rock. Twilight saw Pinocchio swimming but getting nowhere.


Twilight tried to use her magic to untie the knot, as Jiminy turned around.

"We got to get out of here!" Jiminy said, untying the remaining knots with his umbrella.

They quickly swam away, while Monstro destroyed the spot they stood on with its weight and size. The ponies, dragon, puppet and cricket swam as quickly as they can.

"Keep swimming, sugar cube!" Applejack said to Apple Bloom. "Don't look behind!"

"Come on, Pinoke!" Jiminy said, swimming quickly. "Don't wait for me!"

Rainbow, Applejack and Pinocchio were the fastest. The rest swam as quick as they could, but the whale came closer. It began to swallow Fluttershy, who fell behind, and the Pegasus screamed when she got inside.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow shouted, looking back.

"Keep swimming!" Jiminy called, holding onto Applejack.

Then the whale began to swallow Rarity, her scream attracting Spike's attention.

The Disney Chronicles II: PinocchioTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang