Chapter 8 ~ I'm Here

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Warning: slight lemon and violence

You wake up in his arms, smelling his aftershave, you where intertwined with his body. 'good morning' he says, kissing your head 'morning Orson' you say, nuzzling into his chin, you kissing him. 'we didn't get changed last night again' he said pushing you away gently as he sits up. 'we have work my dear, come' he stands and walks over to his wardrobe. He strips his shirt of reveling a toned stomach. He looks at you and winks while putting on his undershirt and his tunic. He turns from you takes of his trousers and pants and put on new ones. 'you aren't going to get changed my dear' he asks walking over to you 'you just want to see me get changed' you say, 'well, my clothes are in my dorm room'. 'we will go to your dorm room then' he stated, you laughing and you leave the room. He follows you to the lift and you go down.

You reach your room, thankfully none was there. You reach into your clothes compartment 'this room is tiny' Krennic comments you nod pulling out some uniform. You take of (what you where wearing) showing bra and panties. Krennic stared at you, studying your curves and body as you put your uniform on. 'you never told me how beautiful you are' he said smirking. You laugh and leave the room with him and walk towards his office.

You where in high spirits until, 'empire scum, long live the resistance!' someone shouts, you and Krennic turn around, seeing a man around 10 meters away with metal thing in his hand. 'a bomb, you shout' and you lunge at the man, trying to wrestle the bomb out his hand. Instead he brings out a pistol and shooting it at you, '(y/n)!' Krennic shouts running towards you and the assailant. The man hits your wrist with a blaster bolt. You jump back writhing in pain. Krennic runs to you right as the man throws the bomb. It lands about 5 feet away from you and Krennic. He pulls you away just as it explodes. The bomb caves in the celling due to the blast and everything went black.

Krennic woke with a start. Everything around him was black and he felt a pain on his foot, it had been crushed by fallen debris and he felt warm blood gushing out it. Ignoring the pain he called out '(y/n)! Where are you' there was no answer feeling round for you he desides to pull his foot out from under the ruble, his hands where sticky with blood but he managed it. He didn't care about his own injury, he needed to find you, he smacked at the pile, a small part shifted and he went into the next small crawl space created by the debris. Feeling around again he felt your arm. He shook you, you didn't stir. 'damn it' he shouted a smacking at the rubble in anger.

Voices, he heard voices, smacking the rubble he hopped who ever found them would get them out soon, for (y/n)'s sake. He was so scared for you, how did the resistance member get on board? Where you alive? When will we get out? There questions ran round and around his head as he smacks the rubble again. A part of it moved, a making it again this time with his good foot he saw light of the hallway. '(y/n) I'm sorry' he whispered and took hold of your shoulders, dragging you to the light.

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