Chapter 6 ~ A New Day

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You woke up in Krennic's arms, he was still holding you tight but was still asleep, he looked very cute you thought. You fell back asleep and you woke to to his eyes resting on you gently, 'good morning' he said shifting closer to you in the bed 'morning' you say, you snuggle your head under his neck, feeling safe and warm in his arms. 'come on (y/n)' he said, 'time for us to get ready for the day, it is already 10 o'clock.' He kisses you gently before letting go. In both your tiredness you realise that you hadn't changed clothes, making them wrinkled you laugh as he gets an iron out of a compartment and takes his Cape off, he started ironing the the creases out then putting it to one side he took of his belt and then his tunic leaving his undershirt on which hugged his figure. After ironing his shirt and putting it to the side he says '(y/n), do you want me to iron your shirt, it is quite wrinkled' you nod and take it off, leaving just your tight undershirt, you hand it to him and he quickly ironed it. He handed it back to you, taking time to admire what you looked like without the tunic. He walks towards you taking in your beauty, the two of you kiss again, Krennic's hands wrapped round your waist, your lips part and he starts kissing you neck. You giggle feeling him nip you slightly. 'hey I thought you wanted to get ready' you say, pushing him away gently. Krennic  chuckled 'yeah I did, but I got sidetracked by you my dear' you giggle and put your tunic.

You follow Krennic out the door and to the lift, passing an officer who looked you and Krennic. Getting to the lift you where left alone with him again. 'oh, Orson, I need to go back to my dorm, I left my data pad there' he nodded and followed me to my dorm, opening the door showed Matt, Lena and Forax sitting on their beds chatting about you. 'Hey (y/n) I was just theorising if you and your sugar dadd-' he stopped seeing the large figure of Krennic in the doorway. The three stand to attention as you get your data pad on your bed. You raise an eyebrow at Matt and leave with Krennic.

You and Krennic quickly walked to his office, holding in laughter, as soon as you closed the door the you and Krennic started laughing 'I see what you mean by Matt but the way he stopped completely when he saw me'. You and him carry laughing. 'Anyway (y/n) we have a meeting with the lab staff this afternoon' you nod, signing into to your datapad. Around an hour later Krennic mumbled something, you turn around to look at him. 'we are docking soon on coruscant, to refuel and fix damage to the ship' he says leaning back on his chair, looking at you 'I wondered if  you would join me for dinner? I know a lovely restraunt if you want to join me' 'I would love to Orson' you say meeting his gaze 'perfect, then is a date'. You smile at him, he looks really happy you think and get on with your work.

It was around half an hour until the meeting, you traveled down to the labs with Krennic, going to his lab office, he hands you a couple of data slips laying on the desk and you walk with him to the lecturing theatre. '(y/n) I need to set up here, but I left one of the data disks in my room' he hands you his key card, 'could you get it for me, it looks like the others'. You nod and walk back to the lift, and select the floor of the officers floor. Walking along the corridor you get the room marked 'director'. Using  the key card you went in and closed the door. The data slip was nowhere to be seen, so you start looking under papers and maps, humming as you went. You found it, slipped underneath some papers on a chair. You grab it and leave the room walking back to the lift.

'hey, you' someone called behind you, you turn around to see a officer striding towards you. 'what where you doing in the directors rooms?' he asked 'I'm his assistant, I was picking up some things left.' you explain to the intimidating officer. 'I highly doubt the Director would allow his assistant his door key, you stole it didn't you' you are completely confused, no idea what this man was talking about. You turn to leave but he grabs your wrist. You turn to him and with one movement have him on the floor with a quick movement of self defense and retreat to the lift.

You where scarred and wanted to get back to Krennic, so he could protect you. You get to the labs and quickly walk down until you see Krennic standing outside of the lecture room. 'oh orson' you hug him shaking. 'what's wrong?' he asks worriedly looking down at you. 'this officer stopped me in the corridor and said I stole your key card, he grabbed me' Krennic was fuming he looked down at your wrist which was alittle bruzed by the officers grab. 'If he touches you again (y/n) I will demote him so far he will be cleaning nothing but clogged toilets for the rest of his career' he whispered in your ear 'thank you' you mumbled.

The meeting was long, krennic being told all the progress made, then he re evaluated what needed to be done next, bring out the data disk and revealing a holo map of the structure. At every free moment Krennic would looks you, worried. He had come to the conclusion that the death star was not the only thing he should serve his life too, but also you. He found it hard show emotion and to allow anyone to come close to him, however you where breaking through that and allowing him to relax. Krennic didn't want to lose you, ever.

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