Jackasses/Carnival Fight

Começar do início

"Where'd you suppose all the kids went to, Lampwick?" Pinocchio asked.

"Ah haven't seen them since we got here," Apple Bloom noted.

"Kind of gives me the creeps," Tender Taps said, nervously.

"Ah, they're around her, somewhere's," Lampwick waved off. "What do you care?"

Lampwick looked at the next ball he's going to hit and aimed his pool stick.

"You three are having a good time, ain't ya?"

"Uh-huh, we sure are," Pinocchio said. "Right, Apple Bloom?"

"Yeah... Kind of," Apple Bloom slowly nodded.

Lampwick hit the red ball and it went inside the hole. He rubbed his cigar on the pool stick.

"Oh boy! This is the life, huh, guys?" Lampwick asked, winking toward them.

"Yeah!" Pinocchio said, taking small drags from his cigar. "It sure is!"

Apple Bloom was unsure if she and Tender would smoke or not, just staring at the cigars nervously.

"Ah, you smoke like me grandmother," Lampwick remarked.

He shot the white ball over a blue ball toward the green one, causing his cigar to land on his hand.

"Come on, take a big drag like this."

Lampwick took a big drag from his cigar till there was barely any left.

"Okay, Lampy," Pinocchio said.

"Um, Pinoky?" Apple Bloom asked. "Are you sure you want to do that?"

Pinocchio hesitated at first, then took a big drag from the cigar, till it was almost empty. His face turned red, smoke filled his cheeks and Apple Bloom saw him make a big mistake.

"Don't..." She yelled.

Too late. Pinocchio swallowed all the smoke.

"Swallow," Apple Bloom finished.

The puppet's face turned purple and his eyes watered. He closed his eyes, flushing all the water out. Then he blew a small puff of smoke, as his face turned green.

"Gee Pinocchio," Tender said. "You don't look so good."

"Some fun, huh, kid?" Lampwick asked.

Pinocchio slowly nodded, but Apple Bloom couldn't believe her ears.

"Fun!? You call that fun?!" Apple Bloom said, helping Pinocchio. "Look at him; he's sick!"

"Don't worry, he'll be fine in a few minutes," Lampwick said, adding another point to his score. "Okay, Slats, your shot."

Pinocchio grabbed his pool stick and put his cigar in his mouth. Apple Bloom approached him and tried to steady him, but Pinocchio climbed onto the pool table. He looked really bad, dizzily trying to hit the eight-ball.

"Pinocchio?" Tender asked, his voice echoing. "Are you okay?"

Pinocchio tried to hit that ball, and the number appeared to blink. He shook his head and his eyes rolled in different directions.

"I'll take that as a 'no'," Tender said.

Suddenly, without anyone noticing, Jiminy, Spike and the girls entered the pool hall and stood shocked by what they saw.

The Disney Chronicles II: PinocchioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora