Chpt. 27 Let's Try It Again

Começar do início

   Papyrus lowered his head, looking down at the ground. Fell stared right at me again. I still wanted to hug him but I had to wait for Papyrus' answer.

"SANS. THIS ENTIRE TIME YOU WERE LYING TO ME." His voice was low, still laced with anger. "I TRIED TO MAKE SURE YOU TOOK THOSE PILLS SO YOU WOULDN'T REMEMBER. I KEPT FOLLOWING UNDYNE'S ORDERS." His grip on Fell's jacket tightened. "THIS ENTIRE TIME YOU FAKED TAKING THE PILLS TO REMEMBER HIM." He lifted his face. The anger that used be be plastered in his face melted away to a look of remorse. His hand let go of Fell's jacket and his arm dropped to his side in defeat. "BROTHER, I KNOW THIS IS AGAINST THE RULES AND I COULD LOSE UNDYNE'S TRUST BUT." He took a deep breath. "I'LL LET HIM STAY WITH YOU." Without any hesitation and ran up to Papyrus and hugged him. It's been awhile since I hugged him, but I couldn't stop myself. He's letting Fell stay here. "JUST ONE RULE. HE CANNOT LEAVE THE HOUSE. ALPHYS PUT HIDDEN CAMERAS AROUND THE WOODS AND BUILDINGS. I CAN ALSO TRY AND HELP YOU GET AN AREA HE CAN HIDE. ALSO PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU DONT LOOK SUSPICIOUS WHEN YOU WALK AROUND. DONT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED THE NIGHT YOU WERE KIDNAPPED UP TO WHEN YOU 'WOKE UP' AFTER WE DRUGGED YOU PLEASE." A smile spread across my face as Papyrus was speaking. I couldn't believe it. 'This entire time I was worried you would turn him in. You actually are trying to help him.'

   Fell stayed on the floor not knowing what he was supposed to do. "Thanks, bro. I'll make sure no one ever finds out." With that Papyrus left my room, closing the door behind him. A smile was forming on Fell's face once he realized what actually happened. Fell tried to get on his feet so he could stand. Without thinking I tackled Fell into a hug. I was just too happy to think. His arms wrapped around me returning the hug. We both laid on the floor, over joyed that Papyrus was going to help us. We fully forgot about what we were originally doing before Papyrus barged in.

After awhile we sat back up and walked over to the bed. " I probably need to patch that cut up soon so there wouldn't be blood everywhere." I didn't have any bandages around or anything that could help with the cut. The best thing to do is just ask Paps for some but I didn't want to bother him. Instead maybe I try and cut the collar of once more and patch the cut up later, but I don't know how to do it so Fell wouldn't get scared. 'Blindfold? When he's asleep? If he woke up he probably would start kicking around.' I tried thinking of ways to get that damn collar off of him. "So, Fell how do you want me to get the collar off?" I asked him, needing to know if he knows anything that calms him down. 'Maybe if I just give him a bottle of mustard, I would be able to cut it off' I laughed at the thought.

   "Don't know Sweetheart. Just need somethin' quick and easy." He answered, not giving me much to work with.

   "Well a key would get it off quickly, but we don't have it." I sat there thinking for a little bit. "So is it possible if I could try to get it off when your asleep?" Quickly asking him to see if that would work.

   "I don't know, Sweetheart. The best we could do is just try at least. Just wake me up when your done." He sat down on the bed as I stood next to the bed.

   "I'll just go downstairs to get you some mustard and maybe some bandages for that cut." With that I turned around and walked out of my room. Papyrus was sitting on the couch watching something on the tv, most likely Mettaton. He looked up at me as I descended the steps of the stairway to the living room. "Heya, Bro do you have any bandages I could use?" I questioned as I walked to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I bent down and looked at the back of the fridge trying to find the last bottle of mustard I had. The yellow bottle was in between some old containers of left over spaghetti.

   "SORRY, BROTHER BUT NO." Papyrus yelled from the other room, answering my question. Grabbing the mustard I closed the fridge and went back to the living room. "BUT IM GOING TO GO TO UNDYNE'S TONIGHT SO MABYE I COULD GET SOME WHILE IM OUT."

   "Thanks, bro." I said quickly as I went back to my room. Fell was already asleep on my bed. 'This is going to be easy.' I closed the door and went up to the bed and sat down, and laid the mustard bottle next to me. Soon I started concentrating on controlling my magic. A blue glow appeared in my hands as I tried summoning another bone. The outline of the weapon was slowly starting to appear. One side was as sharp as it was the first time.

The blue glow disappeared and the weapon was in the palm of my hand. Grabbing onto it I touched the end to make sure it was sharp. When it was sharp enough I focused my attention to Fell. Moving my other hand I pushed away the fur, showing me the collar. I saw the small notch I cut in the collar from earlier and started cutting.

I didn't know how thick and tough the collar was until I got a quarter of the way through. 'This is going to take a lot longer than planned.' I thought to myself, but kept cutting. Fell stirred in his sleep but I made sure not to accidentally cut him again.

-half way done-

-three fourths the way done-

Fell as been asleep for awhile so I had to hurry it up. There were small speaks of metal and broken electronics around the collar and all over my arm. It was a big mess. Fell stirred once again and his head nearly got in the way of the weapon. Pulling the bone away from him, I saw his eyes slowly open up, but they almost immediately closed once again.

I started to cut the collar once again. It was almost done. Just a few more cuts then it would be off. The weapon was slowly getting dull due to constantly cutting metal. Bit by bit the collar was slowly getting close to being off. I got rid of the bone and surrounded the collar with my blue magic. Pulling the opposite sides of the cut I slowly broke the rest of the collar off.

"SEE YOU LATER BROTHER, IM OFF TO UNDYNE'S HOUSE!" Papyrus yelled from the living room. The sound of the door slamming behind him echoed through the house.

Fell stirred even more and woke up. He looked over at me as I slowly pulled the collar apart with my magic. He stayed still helping me focus more. With a pop the collar was off. I let out a sigh I as the blue glow disappeared. It used up way to much magic. Fell reached over and grabbed the mustard bottle and started drinking from it. I was too tired but I started explaining to him that it might take awhile for his magic to fully come back. He easily understood as he kept drinking from the bottle.

I crawled into bed and laid down next to Fell. Fell turned around and hugged me pulling me closer to his embrace. The warmth lulled me to sleep quicker, but it was mainly from using too much magic. Darkness engulfed my vision as I went to sleep.

Aye it's another update. I'm alive and also I feel like this was cramped with stuff. Just saying I had the idea of having Papyrus send Fell back but I decided to have Papyrus be a kind brother. Just hope that everyone else is just like him. Sorry if there are any mistakes.

Remember The Stockholm (Demon fell x angel sans)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora