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Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful day! Now, as mentioned in the summary of this book, this is NOT a graphic shop. I do not take requests as this book will be updated at random. What this book has are surprises for people. This could be a little birthday present or an icon just cuz I found something that I thought that person would like. Most graphics are made by me, and if not, I will give full credit to the person.

Also, please note, while these icons are to make people happy, I am not a professional. I will admit, I use a few apps, but mostly PicCollage. This cover was made by Canva, which is another app/website I will use because it makes anyone look like a professional. Don't hold the icons to that same standard as they probably took me a couple of minutes. Despite taking a couple of minutes to make, I do give purpose to these icons as I want to make people smile.

I think this world could use some more smiles and happiness.

This book will be separated into three sections: Surprise, Birthday, and Presents. Each one is different so listen up.

Surprise will contain icons that I made for the heck of it. If I find a picture that I think a certain writer would like, but there's no special occasion for it, it'll be found in this section. It's not something they made, and it's not a birthday present. It's simply an icon just cuz.

Birthday is self-explanatory. I mean, everyone should be happy on their birthday, right? That doesn't always happen though, so my goal is to surprise people with a small little gift to bring a smile to their face. I might forget (as I'm a very forgetful person) but I'll try to get it within the month of a friend's birthday. Again, this is also if I know the month or date that this will happen. If I don't, I apologize in advance if I don't get you one.

Finally, there is Present. These are graphics NOT made by me. Normally, I'd highlight them in a book or use the cover every once in a while when I feel like there needs to be a change, but these are graphics I feel like I can't do that with. This could be a little Happy Birthday banner someone gave me or an icon that was made just cuz. These graphics were not requests, but they made me happy, and I feel like they should be shown off in some way.

And I think that's everything. I hope you all enjoy this. I can't promise everyone an icon because, well, these were just made for fun. Please don't be disappointed if you don't get a graphic. There could be many reasons for that, but again, this is not a graphic shop. For those, you're going to have to find someone who makes icons for people out of requests. This is just randoms bursts of happiness.

Regardless, I hope everyone can gain a smile from this and will enjoy these horrible...I mean, these average-looking icons I made.

Now, "it's time to celebrate and have a good time." Please enjoy, Celebrate, a small collection of icons made by me and other graphics.

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