Chapter 2

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Yesterday was an awful day. My ex-boyfriend having fun with my ex-best friend, my sister talking nonsense, and the unexplained glimpses. What would be the next? Would it bring me now there? To the place I saw? And what's my connection with them? To the queen of blah-blah-blah have said. It's not as if I'm a fairy or a magical creature. Argh! What a mess.

"Kaylle! I'm going. Just grab a bus. I can't drive you to school. I have something else to go. Okay?" my sister shouted from downstairs. She sounded like mom. But can't act like her. By the way our mom left us because of a man she said she loves and loves her back. But I can't agree with that thing. Our mom was currently living with him with their son. Maybe my stepbrother. Our stepbrother. So I'm stuck with the only family I have. My sister. We are half okay and half in hatred with each other because she let mom go with that bastard.

Then there's a knock to my door. "Come in," I said.

"Do you hear what I'm saying?" She asked angrily. "And why are you not still ready for school? It's late."

"Of course I heard you. I'm not that deaf. And why do you care? You're not mom." I said and rolled my eyes.

"So you want her to be here with his filthy husband and with their kid which will just make you a nanny? Huh? You want? I can call mom right now to say that." She began to take her IPhone.

"No." I said. And she stops dialing moms' number and hold my shoulders.

"Why do we need to be like this, Kay?" She asked in a sad tone. When she didn't get my answer, "Never mind. Just get up and go to school. Bye." I hope she wouldn't say it. But then she says, "Love you. See you there." And she's gone into my room.

Why? I really don't know too. But then before I became late I go to my dressing room and search for something to wear into a welcoming program. My clothes have their own layers. One for dresses, one for the jeans and skirts, and one for the shirts and sandos. In these dressing room I also stock my shoes here. My heels and my sneakers.

I started to pick all the dark dresses that I see and stared them for a minute. I have this dark red dress which is sleeveless and an above the knee length skirt. It's fabric was very thin that will truly see your body inside when the sun shines through it. So it will not be my outfit. Next is a dress which has a design of the U.S.A flag. So X for this too because it will make me look like attending a congress. Another one is a black dress that has a long sleeves and a below the knee length. Such a very irritating outfit for a very hot day. I can't choose which one it will be. So I started to search again and round the corner. And because I have only thirty minutes left I just picked a white fitted shirt and also a fitted black jeans. I go back to my room and slump it into my bed and then I go to the bathroom. When I finished bathing I wore them carefully then get my Knicks sneakers and inserted them into my little feet. Then I fixed my hair into a messy bun and grab all my things into my bag –- lipstick, perfume, tissue paper, make-up kits and other things that might be useful to my friends. I took one last look on the mirror but decided I have a very simple outfit that's why I search for the necklace I picked yesterday and clamp it into my neck. Before I get out into my room I receive a message from Meisha.

Hi Kaylle! Good morning sleepy-head. We decided that because it's a welcoming program and it will end really late we like to spend more time with you. In short it will be a night over. Is that okay with you? ASAP text back. ;)

Oh c'mon guys. Srsly? Why not? :D, I replied. And then I ran downstairs to the kitchen to drink a milk. My phone started to buzz. A text message receive.

Gosh Kaylle! Thank you for that. I'll update the girls. But before that where are you? Are you still at your house? I can come by to get you.

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