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She had been trying to give me a message. With only a few days remaining before her 'sentence' would come to pass I had come to the formidable conclusion that she had been trying to tell me something this whole time. I had sprung out of my latest dream with this thought as clear as day in my mind and wondered to myself how I had been so blind as to not have noticed it before.

It was not the reaper who was trying to communicate with me, not the shell who was just following the motions of her fate with ingrained resignation, but Kia herself. The one who still floated somewhere, trapped beneath the surface. The one who was only able to observe the direction of her fate but unable to change it. However, somehow, she managed to push against these confines in her subconscious. She was unable to reach her reaper shell, but with the small connection that we had made, she had found a way to communicate with me personally.

The flashes of her past life and the actions of her current self-had felt so real and clear in my subconscious that there is only one way that they could have ever got there. Even if she hadn't fully remembered, our meeting had caused something within her to shift. The chains that connected her to the beckoning were beginning to pull against their restraints.

The key to end all of this was somewhere in our shared subconscious, she had found a way to cross that barrier and now I needed to do the same. I couldn't physically cross between our realms without dying, but I could meet her halfway somehow, the next time I closed my eyes I would have to do so with a new awareness so that I could try and turn the tables and communicate back.

I ran to my desk and pulled out an empty notebook and a pen, then I started writing down everything that I knew and remembered. Every encounter, every dream, and every fact that she had given me. I wasn't trying to give evidence of my madness but find a linking factor that would help me pull of what I needed to do. Now that I had a somewhat plan set in stone, I needed to execute it flawlessly because the next time that I saw her would be the last. And whether I failed or succeeded would rely heavily on my own actions.

Picking up my phone, I made the call that I had been dreading ever since I found out who Kia was. She does not have enough time for me to waste on being a coward, I needed to pull my head out of my ass so that I could end this nightmare for her for once and for all. I let a deep breath when I herd the phone line click as the recipient on the other end picked up.

"Hello?" Came the unsure greeting, I couldn't blame their hesitant tone of voice, it was already 2 in the morning, but I needed their help now more then ever if I was going to pull this off.

"Hey Connor, I know its late and that this may sound crazy, but I need your help with something. I'm also going to need Alison's help to."

"Sure buddy, but why do you need my mum's help to?" This was the tricky bit, but there was no going back now. I just had to rip the bandage off and face whatever consequences came my way after.

Letting out a deep slow sigh, I braced myself for the worse as I prepared myself to tell my best friend everything that I hadn't done before. "There's something I haven't told you; I know who the reaper is."

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