First Day

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Deku's POV
I woke up to the sound of yelling "Get the fuck up im giving you 5 minutes to get the fuck up and out the door before I beat the shit out of you!" The voice belonged to my so called 'dad' I got up and I put on a oversize hoodie on and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and I grabbed my bag and made my way to the front door before I felt my arm being grabbed I turned and looked at my dad *slap* my cheek began to burn where my dad had slapped me. Before I could recover from being slapped my dad kicked me in the stomach "get the fuck out of my life you peace of shit!" He kicked me again making me cough. He finally stopped long enough from me to get out of door. I felt like I was going to pass out but I kept myself awake thank goodness 'why me what did I ever do to deserve this'. I made my way to my new school and opened my classroom door to see the one and only Kacchan yelling at some blue haired guy. The yelling had made me nervous 'please don't see me' I kept repeating to myself but scent the whole world is against me he noticed me "Deku what the fuck are you doing here I thought I told you to stay the fuck away!" 'Breath Izuku he's not your dad it's ok' I had to keep saying to myself in order to stop myself from having an anxiety attack "Who gives you the right to fucking ignore me! You bitch" 'shit' "im s-sorry I - I didn't m-mean to" he put his fist up ready to punch me I flinched and closed my eyes ready to be beaten up that I didn't realize I was starting to hyperventilate.
Kacchan's POV
I was ready to beat the shit out of the damn nerd when I heard him breathing hella fast I looked down at him. He was grabbing his chest with tears in his eyes 'what the hell I have know the nerd his hole life and he has never done this before' "hey are you all right?" I turned to see a girl with brown hair and really pink cheeks approaching Deku but he did something that surprised the hell out of me instead of saying something he ran away 'is he o- wait why do I care about his worthless ass he can go die I couldn't care less' I went to go sit down in my seat when I saw pink cheeks run after Deku saying "shit he's having a panic attack" 'but how Deku doesn't have anxiety or does he and never told me'
Deku's POV
"Hey are you alright?" A girl with short brown hair asked me I knew what was happing I was having a panic attack 'god im so fucking week!'
I ran away from the girl and Kacchan and went to the bathroom and shut myself in a stall. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of chest I was unable to breath "why im I so week" I quietly said to myself. Once I was able to breath I reached in my back pocket for my razor.
Waring self harm
1 cut turned to 5 painful cuts and 5 turned to 24 deep cuts and 24 turned to 34 'shit I need to stop doing so much' I quickly cleaned myself up and went back to class luckily the teacher still wasn't there.
Time skip to lunch
The short haired girl came back up to me "hi im Uraraka and are you ok from earlier?" Shit what do I say "oh... Im ok don't worry about me and im Izuku" I said with a fake smile across my face "oh ok good so I was wondering do you wanna have lunch with me and my friends?" Crap what do I say I can't keep my cool in a group of people "oh... Im sorry but im...not going to lunch I had a ...big breakfast" 'breath Izuku it's all right' "oh ok bye Izuku" just like that the girl went away. Once everybody was gone I started freaking out I don't even know why it just strated happing 'worthless nobody will ever love or care for me why because im nothing but a freak I don't deserve to live' I started to cry and press on my cuts causing me to hissing pain "what the hell are you doing!!" I heard someone yelling at me wich only made it worse my cuts were bleeding and I was crying but I knew I deserved the pain "stop!" I recognize the voice it belonged to Kacchan
Kacchan's POV
I had finished lunch early mainly because I didn't want to deal with annoying ass people so I made my way back to the classroom when I was by the classroom door I heard a familiar voice crying and hissing in pain it sounded a lot like Deku I opened the classroom door 'did Deku get why do I care about that shity nerd.' I looked to see id Deku was ok but what I saw nearly killed my heart he was crying and pressing his arm and it was bleeding bad "what the hell are doing!!" 'Why do I even care he's stupid and deserve the pain' Deku starts to cry harder 'god what a cry baby' all of the sudden his arm bleeds more 'is he trying to kill himself' "stop!" I quickly run to his seat and grab his hand  to stop him from hurting himself even more.
Deku's POV
Kacchan grabbed my hand to stop me from hurting myself "let me go!" My voice had anger in it "no im not going to watch you hurt yourself!" Kacchan yelled at me making me flinch in fear "why do you care all of the sudden!" Kacchan looked to the side "I don't... I don't know" I got up from my seat and ripped my hand out of Kacchan's grip "that's what thought" I said with a blank expression. I walked out of the room and made my way to the bathroom to clean up.

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