Author's Note

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This is not a chapter. I just want to use my platform to briefly speak about everything going on in the United States right now. The vast majority of my followers are Democrats or Republicans who agree with much of what I have to say. That said, some of you may disagree with what i have to say right now and if that is the case UNFOLLOW ME. No real American should strongly disagree with what I am about to say unless you are a racist. You can be republican. You can vote for for whoever you want. Just not a racist. If you still think that Donald Trump as helping this country; if you still think he is not a racist then you are BLIND. Wake up. Stop staying silent and doing what is best for yourself when you should be doing what is best for ALL AMERICANS. Today Donald Trump manipulated a crowd of peaceful protestors so that while he was giving his speech, they were being forcefully removed from Lafayette Park as he spoke. He wanted the chaos of the crowds screams as they were beaten and tear gassed to play in the background as he gave his speech. He wanted it to seem like protestors were the problem. I won't even get into his bullshit publicity stunt, holding up a bible and pretending he is a Christian.
I don't want to say anything extreme but I will say this. Don't stay silent. Don't vote for trump because you want a automatic rifle. (They are used to murder.) Don't vote for trump because he lowers your personal taxes. (He raises the taxes of the working class) don't stay silent and pretend it's not you problem. This is our time to stand up and create change. GO to protests. DONATE to charities. POST on social media. Let your opinion be heard.
Black Lives Matter.

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