Afterward: Part 1

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Noah C. Schnapp

Present - August 2021.  

It's been a year and a half since that night in my room. Some things didn't change, like season 4 kept on filming; in-fact it still is even in 2021. And I never stopped loving her. That will never change. Never. 

Despite that, after prom things between me and Millie were never the same, for more reasons than one. I stopped seeing her as my best friend and truly accepted that she was my girlfriend. We both were more relaxed in public. Prom was the first of many date we went on together. We figured out that if we just ignored the press, they would ignore us most of the time. We went out to dinner so many times over the next few months that the paparazzi finally just lost interest. 

Our lives were easier on set too. Gaten and Caleb didn't make fun of us as much and I even stopped messing with Finn. Well I still messed with him but not quite as much as before. 

In all aspects, life was good. I got close to Millies parents. For the longest time, I was kind of scared of her father Robert, but it turns out he like a giant teddy bear. I think he's nicer to me than my own parents. Since the Browns have a house in Atlanta, I spent a lot of time there. Most of the time they let me sleep in Millies room. It was nice to be treated like an adult for a change. Even if was only 15. 

But then, everything changed. Technically we think it happened August 3rd but we didn't know for sure. I guess at this point it doesn't matter. 'What's done is done' or at least that what my therapist says. 

There are a couple things that happened since I last wrote about our Prom night. That was in May of 2020 and now I'm writing in August of 2021. Shit happened. I'll talk about it soon but I couldn't write about it in the moment so I had to wait until now. It was just to painful then. the wound was to fresh. Honestly I think it still is but I have to document what happened somehow. 

Maybe I just feel that writing about what happened will make me feel less guilty. 

But I doubt it.

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