(16) Tech night one

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Yuri's POV

If you know anything about high school theatre, you know that tech week is absolute hell. You don't sleep, don't eat, and don't socialize. Your eyes must be on the prize (the show).

We just ran the whole show, I cannot tell you how many times Ivy has called "line" it was at least 20. Mr. Kane is furious, I'm just dozing off in the back, and Otabek is still as handsome as ever in that costume.

After notes, I approach Otabek because I literally have not seen him all day. He then turns around and starts talking to Ivy, wait, hold up, I thought he hated her. I decide to eavesdrop behind a curtain because seriously what could they be talking about?

"Hey Ivy, would you like to hang out during lunch period tomorrow?" Otabek states. UM EXCUSE ME?!? "Let me guess, you want to go over lines so I know them?" "Actually no, let's just talk maybe get to know each other because we never talk outside of this show" my heart drops, is Otabek cheating on me? My rage turns to sadness quickly. I cannot believe he would do this to me. Maybe he really is still a player. I guess he lied to me every time he said he l-loved me.

I TRUSTED him. I wanted to be WITH HIM. I loved him. And he played me. I know I'm jumping to conclusions but seriously we are in a public space. I don't know if it's from the lack of sleep or what, but I feel tears dripping from my eyes. I try not to make a sound as I run off to my bike and head home. I guess we're over.

I didn't have the energy to confront him with this. I need to stop focusing on him and start focusing on the play and pulling it all together, but how will I watch it knowing that Otabek is secretly seeing that skank. I should have seen this coming, but I most certainly didn't. I drift off to sleep still in my daytime clothes with tears still flowing. This is the worst way to start tech week.

Otabek's POV

Yes, getting Ivy to hang out with me will for sure distract her from learning her lines and then at final dress rehearsal, Mr. Kane will certainly kick her out, and then Yuri goes on.

I turn around looking for Yuri, since I haven't spoken to him all day. I bet he hasn't eaten or barely slept; he's working his ass off to get this thing done. I walk outside to get on my motorbike and go home but then I see Yuri sprinting to his bike and pedaling quickly to his house. That's ok. He needs his rest, I should leave him alone, I wouldn't want to stress him out anymore.

A/N- tech week is here!! hmm what will happen between Otabek and Yuri?? well a lot can happen during tech week! -etl

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