'I see. Does he have any techniques to bring him out of it?'

Dean shrugged. 'Box breathing usually does the trick.'

'Maybe you should do it,' Sam suggested.

Dean shrugged again and scooted closer to the bed. 'Okay, Cas, just do as I say, and you'll feel better in a minute. We're gonna take a deep breath in to the count of four, hold it for four, and out for four, got it? I'll count for you, ready?' Dean reached out and took his hand. His fingers were rough and calloused, but something about them was also warm and comforting. 'In... two...three...four, hold...two...three... four, out... two...three...four...'

Cas did as Dean instructed. It took a few tries, but his breathing slowed to normal. 'Thank you,' he said to Dean. Dean only took his hand away, and again leaned back in his chair.

Just then, the door to the room opened, and a man in a white coat with a clipboard walked in. 'Glad to see you finally awake!' he said brightly, rifling through the paper on his clipboard. 'How are you feeling?'


'Yeah, you will be. I'll just get through this, and then we'll bring you some water. Maybe we'll try a little food too. First though, are you experiencing any pain? How's your head?'

'No pain, I don't think,' Cas said, wiggling all of his extremities. 'I'm a little dizzy.'

The doctor nodded. 'That's normal. Dizziness is expected at this stage. I'll get you some copies of your x-rays, if you like.'

Cas nodded.

'Now, because of the nature of your head injuries, I'm just going to ask a few more questions, okay? Do you know where you are?'

'I'm in the hospital.'

'Do you know which one?'


'What's your name?'


'Your full name.'

'Castiel Novak.'

There was a shape intake of breath from Dean, and the doctor frowned.

'What?' Cas asked.

Dean cleared his throat. 'You took my name when we got married. It's Winchester.'


The doctor, less cheery now, carried on with his questions. 'Where do you live?'

'I... I don't know,' Cas said, wracking his brain. 'Do I live with - um...'


'Yes, do I live with you?'

'You do.'

'Cas, I just need you to relax,' the doctor said. 'The sooner we can assess this, the sooner we can decide our next step.'

Cas took a few steadying breaths.

'All right, what do you do? What's your job?' the doctor said.

Cas shook his head. 'I don't- I can't...'

'What year is it?'

Cas thought about it. 'Is - is it two-' His brain was beginning to feel like someone had stuffed it full of cotton wool.

Dean reached out for his hand again, but he snatched it away, putting his hands back over his face.

'My head hurts,' he groaned, pressure forming in his temples.

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