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I haven't posted much recently, but I wanted to inform all my followers about the current situation. This might be messy, but I hope you understand most of my points.

So, recently there has been protests around America. I believe they were started because of the death of a black rights activist, George Floyd. He was killed by a police officer who stepped on his throat I believe. He said several time "I can't breath", but nothing happened.

I believe the police officer lost his job, but that isn't enough. He deserves to be arrested for the murder of an innocent man. It wasn't self defense as George didn't do anything. He wasn't threatening or intimidating in the least, but as the corrupted and racist as the police is, they felt the need to attack an innocent man of color.

Other cases about innocent people of color have been reported and as far as I know, nothing has been done about the officers. And the president of USA, Donald Trump, even stated this on his Twitter "When the looting starts, the shooting starts." about the protests, which were peaceful at first until the police showed up and started attacking poc.

The police were also the ones to start the fires during the protests. They also maced a little girl, an elderly white man threatened to shoot people of color with a bow I believe, but he was tackled to the ground as of otherwise he would most likely had injured or worse, killed someone.

I have also heard a lot about the looting, well looting Walmart and other big companies is fine, as they can rebuild. And poc who loot are totally fine, but the send non-black do it, the poc will get in trouble. Also if you post pictures or videos of protesters, do not simply blue over their face as I have heard FBI can unblur the face and the protester can be arrested or worse. If you have a picture or a video, put a big black box over or something along those lines.

Also, stores like Walmart doesn't sell products like milk to the protestor, as some protestor get tear gassed. Also I have heard that

I can't remember anything else to mention, so stay safe, don't support cops and have a good day/night.

All I have to say is that: Black Lives Matter. 1312 All Cops Are Bastards, no exceptions as they are all associated. And vote someone else than Trump when you can vote!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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