Bernard x Mark

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Bernard's POV: Life sucked so much right now. Me and my girlfriend...
Well ex-girlfriend,Alexis broke up because we got into some fight while we were working. She broke up with me and I came home and went straight to my room. Thank God my family wasn't home. And before I could think another thought my whole family came home. At the same time but they were all in different places. What a coincidence...

Nicole: Bernard time for dinner.

Bernard: uh I'm not hungry right now I'm studying.

Nicole: you've been studying for hours get down here young man.

Bernard's POV: awwww man now what I just got done crying, yes I'm very upset about this.

5 minutes later...

Dwayne: Bernard what's wrong?

Bernard: uh nothing I just yawned. *Yawns on purpose* yep I'm really tired.

Craig: hey mom there's going to be this water balloon fight at the creek tomorrow can you come with me for support.

Nicole: aww I would love to sweetie but I got work tomorrow.

Dwayne: I would but I have to go to the gym tomorrow. But Bernard could go.

Craig and Bernard: what!?!

Nicole: yeah it would be a great bonding experience for you two. And if you refuse, Craig your can't go to the creek all weekend and Bernard you won't be able to see Alexis for the whole week.

Bernard's POV: really?!?
You just had to remind me?

At the creek...

Kelsey: hey Craig! Oh and uh hey Bernard.

JP: why are you here.

Craig: our mom made him come for my support Buddy.

Eliza: oh so you need a support Buddy now.*giggles*

Craig: ughhhh.

Jane: who is this your brother or something?

Bernard: yes I'm his brother your majesties now go away he has a game to play.

Eliza and Jane: *gasp*

George: we are his opponents, therefore we can't go away.

During the game...

Sailor boy: Eliza is out, now it's two against one with George against Craig and Kelsey.


Kelsey: get ready George I'm about to kick your blue colored hair to the ground.

George: good luck I'm a tea timers. Getting messy is the one thing I'm good at avoiding.

*Throwing dodgeballs*

Kelsey:* gets hit in the arm* Dang it!

Sailor boy: Kelsey is out!

George: Told you*smirks* I'm good at avoiding messes.

Craig: okay you got this Bernard is right there watching me, wait a minute is he watching me?*looks back*

George:*yeets ball*

Craig:* looks just in time and catches the ball*

Sailor boy: George is out the stump kids win!

George:*throws bowtie on the ground*

Mark:* notices Bernard after game is over* hey guys who's that guy.

David: I heard he's Craig's brother. You should go talk to him.

Mark: alright I'll do it*walks to Bernard*

Mark: he-hey

Bernard: hi

Mark: what's your name?

Bernard: Bernard? Why?

Mark:*blushing* oh just wondering. So I was wondering if we could be friends. Like I could get your number and we could text each other.

Bernard: Sure.

A few months later...

Bernard and Mark would meet up sometimes and hang out. They became really good friends. Mark grew some feelings for Bernard and Maybe Bernard might too.

Part 2 anyone?

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