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Lothanay shouted loudly as he spun his cat around the room, "I'm going to be honest, I don't care anymore baby~"

His cousin, Cariisa, tweaking it up on Lo's stuffed CareBear. "M-Me, me love you long time, Oh! So horny! S-so, so horny~!"

Lo's mother walked in with fresh lemonade, seeking what was happening, she dropped the tray, the drinks clashing to the ground, she popped it, locked it, poka dotted it. The two stared at her with eyes of impressed. They began to bow down to their Senpai, then slightly twerking up on her, in signs of respect.

Lo's father, sat in the far corner, smiling wickedly, "Soooooo showing this t your graduation!!!!" He laughed so hard he went silent, clapping like a retarded seal.

Then the neighbours dog made it's dandy way in, farted loudly, and left.


lml. this had no plot. I'm sorry (not sorry.)

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